
9:22是一部设定在2010年北美地区的悬疑视觉小说。 又到了一年新生入学季,刚进大学的 Spencer 不得不忍着长久以来的失眠努力适应新生活。经历煎熬的三周后,他彻底放弃了结交新朋友和尝试新事物的打算,招生宣传上那些美好愿景都与他无关。那天清晨,一切都变得诡异了起来。Spencer 因为睡过头急急忙忙赶去学校,却被紧闭的校门挡在外边,多亏有陌生校友的帮助才偷偷溜进了校园。可接连发生的坏事并没有到头——有同学被谋杀了。当 Spencer 意识到这个受害者本会是自己后,除了继续调查下去,他别无选择。

Abandoned / 废物:当祂回到乐园

Abandoned / 废物:当祂回到乐园

阿达斯特拉 / Adastra

Adastra 是一部混合有大量科幻与政治阴谋的恋爱视觉小说。你将面临帝国的动荡险境,你需要决定哪些人可以相信,而哪些人绝对不能。
阿达斯特拉 / Adastra

课后活动 / After Class

After Class is a gay, mainly NSFW story driven furry visual novel focused on the relationship between the main character (you / default name: Walter) and the people he meets. This VN covers some controversial topics, your everyday conversation, dead memes, and such. Every choice you make has its consequences, and it might change the outcome of the story.
课后活动 / After Class

After Years

Welkin – a young wolf who after six years finally reunites with his childhood friends during late, summer vacations.Spend a week in the peaceful, seaside town of Rochelle and follow Welkin, who wants to make up for lost time with his friends. Make decisions that will affect the bonds between him and his three companions, with the potential of starting a romantic relationship. Love knows no bounds.
After Years

地狱之旅 / A Hellish Journey

地狱之旅 / A Hellish Journey


A hand-drawn, 2D platformer following the breathtaking story of an endangered red panda, named Ailuri. Climb, explore and survive the intricate levels while trying to defeat enemies to restore balance of life in the world.


Thrust yourself to the front of the line of Amorous, a bustling furry night club that invites you to explore it's neon lights and eccentric characters. Immerse yourself with a fleshed out character creator and treat yourself to a varied cast of potential dates to explore!

鳞翼天使 / Angels with Scaly Wings

You, the player, are an ambassador for Earth sent through a mysterious portal into the world of dragons. Explore a town full of secrets and the people who keep them in this compelling sci-fi visual novel with slice of life and dating sim elements.
鳞翼天使 / Angels with Scaly Wings




こんな××ゲー、見たことない! 誰とでもデキる、ボーダレスラブストーリー!

阿努比斯与湮没之骨 / Anubis and the Buried Bone

Explore an egyptian themed authentic retro action-adventure platformer.
Powerful souls have escaped Anubis's clutches, so he has to hunt them down, enhancing his abilities along the way by discovering numerous items and unlocking secrets.
阿努比斯与湮没之骨 / Anubis and the Buried Bone

唤作家的地方 / A Place to Call Home

A Place to Call Home 是一部情节诙谐、浪漫、跌宕的同性恋视觉小说。请注意,这不是一个约会模拟器。 游戏以三个人物的故事为中心,讲述了 Leonhardt Hauser,Phileo Hauser 和 Ludus 在第二次世界大战之后的现代生活。 走进这场失误与不幸之旅,面对失去所爱之人的痛苦,他们如何找到人生的新目标?
唤作家的地方 / A Place to Call Home

拱桥 / Arches

拱桥 / Arches



虹之彼岸的魔兽 / アルカンシエルの魔獣 / Arc-en-ciel no Majuu (Beasts of Arc-en-ciel)

寻求彩虹的兽人RPG 这是一个由兽人和魔法构成的世界。 曾经繁华的土地正被妖怪和邪气所腐蚀,悄悄迎来终结。 在所有人都放弃的时候,有一天,一位狮子少年遇到了一个失忆的犬科少年。 他手持的是一把七彩钥匙,据说能实现收集的愿望。 于是,少年们展开了拯救世界的冒险— *对于非日文系统的玩家来说,原版可能无法直接解压运行,需要使用WinRAR或Peazip将文字编码调整为Shift-JIS(932)后解压方可正常游玩。
虹之彼岸的魔兽 / アルカンシエルの魔獣 / Arc-en-ciel no Majuu (Beasts of Arc-en-ciel)


除特别授权外,任何使用本作品相关内容所进行的创作行为都应当遵循 CC 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可,具体约规详见游戏内“序言”界面。另外,制作组将于作品发布同期将相关原创素材发布于网络平台,您可以在遵循上述许可的前提下任意使用这些素材进行二次创作且不必担心版权问题。 在《灰舟》中,您将目视一位来自埃尔卡庸的青年和他的哥哥踏上躲避战乱的旅程,并探索自己视角中隐藏的秘密。 本视觉小说为全年龄向作品,适合任何人游玩,但阅读部分章节需要一定现代文学基础,若缺乏阅读经验可以考虑跳过相关内容,这将不会影响您对故事情节的把握。 本作文本量较小,因此我们希望您放慢阅读速度,在此前提下,我们将尽力使您得到最好的阅读体验。理想状态下,制作组建议您将阅读速度控制在单线每章半小时左右,祝您阅读愉快。 另外,本作为独资开发,不接受任何形式的资金援助,敬请留意,谨防诈骗。本作永久免费,如果您是付费获取的本作,请于下方的评论区内汇报。CC 许可允许本作被以任何形式转载,但由于 CC 的 NC 子条款,这一行为不能产生商业利润,且需标明官方地址和原...


Leave your influence in your wake as you bring together a broken land in a card-battling adventure filled with gods, heroes, and the instability of yourself and those around you. Play the story, or go online with fellow Crown Mages for tabletop card action.



A Walk Home

Finally, things seemed to go right for Kemmy. But he soon will come to find out that things in this City are not as idyllic as they seem! One night he makes his way home, blissfully unaware that Peace in this city ends with the arrival of the full moon. The locals hunger - for a boy to fuck!
A Walk Home


B101 is a homoerotic visual novel made with Ren'Py, that puts you in place of a newly-graduated commander who gets sent to a secret base in a frozen desert. Why they've sent you there is a mystery, and it will test the loyalty you have to your nation.






《物种战争:灭绝》是《物种战争: Delta》的续作。游戏相较前作拥有更加丰富的故事和内容。前作中玩家打败了戈拉·阿拉玛领导的恐怖组织“杀戮”,并发现了组织背后的人类。《灭绝》将讲述这之后的故事。游戏中,你将扮演B2B德尔塔小队的一员,并与人类组织无尾军团作战。

Badtime Stories

Meet new anthro guys with new stories every month. A visual novel with short stories with explicit sexual contents.
Badtime Stories

笨蛋部 / バカ部

故事发生在不算远也不算近的未来。一场突然的变异使得一种名为兽人的新种族诞生了,当人们察觉到时,这个世界的人口构成已经发生了巨大的变化。 兽人占据了世界的大半部分,人类转而成了稀有种族。 由于种族是人类,主角在初中时期受尽霸凌。他为了改变自己选择了一所满是兽人的高中,并且以意外的契机决定加入名为「笨蛋部」的社团。 在为了让大家得到快乐而笨蛋般胡闹的社团活动中度过每一天,主角在思考些什么呢?
笨蛋部 / バカ部


Bang x Bang是一部包含了同性恋爱要素的文字冒险游戏,在游戏中你(也就是主角)是一名黑帮的儿子,尽管你本不想掺和进你的“家族产业”,但是某天,一头黑帮大狼忽然找上了你,这也让你的平静生活就此离你而远去了……



Bare Backstreets

BBS is a high-octane side scrolling brawler packed to the brim with adults-only content. Every enemy you encounter is out for you in more ways than one. Tackle 6 unique stages ranging from the corrupt underbelly of the city, to the tropical jungle and it's hidden ancient prophecy.
Only you and your friends have the staying power to undo this curse before it takes over the entire city!
Bare Backstreets

蝙蝠与熊 / Bat and Bear

蝙蝠与熊 / Bat and Bear



Beasts of the Thorns

Beasts of the Thorns

Bedfellows FRENZY

Bedfellows FRENZY is a hard as hell, arcade style, smash and loot. Where you rage through various themed levels, demolish buildings, tear though the National Guard, and battle multiple bosses. Crushing and stomping your way up the leader boards, and to ULTIMATE VICTORY!
Bedfellows FRENZY


Bedplay is a bedroom-themed sex game featuring gorgeous artwork and voice talent by Kabier and Jasonafex. It features their ubiquitous characters, Vergence and Genesis, along with a host of interaction options and toys.

Beek - 使魔与毛茸茸

一封奇怪的短信打破了你的宁静。看起来有人迷失在了一个未知的森林里,而你是他唯一能够取得联系的人。 由打造《家有大猫》的 Studio Klondike 为您呈现,《Beek: 在异世界被当成使魔以及与那些毛茸茸之间发生的事》是一款精巧的文字类游戏,拥有多结局和精美插画。 主人公 Beek 的命运正等待你的抉择。来帮助他重拾直面黑暗的力量与勇气,带领他找到回家的路。
Beek - 使魔与毛茸茸

在您离去之前 / Before You Depart

犬科动物通常是一生的伴侣。有的甚至可以成为生死相随的伙伴… 这是一部 SFW 视觉小说,但建议玩家谨慎选择。我们的故事涉及一些沉重的话题,例如: 末期疾病 精神健康 死亡与悲伤 该项目是为 May Wolf Visual Novel Game Jam 制作的。请去查看其他开发者提交的内容! 这部视觉小说是 100% 完整的体验。未来所做的任何更新都将用于修复错误、提高生活品质或实现我们没有时间创建的功能。 喜欢我们的故事吗?您可以查看《Before You Depart》的资产包的Itch页面!您可以在那里下载高品质版本的图像和我们的原创配乐。
在您离去之前 / Before You Depart

便机战争 / 便機戦争

未知的新能源—“UNKO”能创造万物的物质,带来了昔日的繁荣与辉煌——它便是再度点亮世界的烈焰。 无限积蓄式便器型战斗机“BeNK—I型”,成为了当中前无古人的佼佼者。 新的战争开始了……人们是这么称呼它的——便机战争。
便机战争 / 便機戦争


为未来而烦恼着的狮子兽人“鲁斯坦”,得到了一封旧信,上面记录着没人见过的语言和地图。 冰封万里的极寒之地存在着什么,又能看到怎样的景色呢?鲁斯坦与恰好来到小镇的犬兽人自然摄影家“华特”一起,踏上了延续数千公里的旅程——


Two years ago, Oliver Blanche disappeared. A young aspiring detective catches wind of the case, and decides that if nobody else was going to solve this, he would. Little did he know, that he was involving himself with something much bigger.




Welcome to Blackgate, a nonlinear visual novel about a town filled with monsters. The who, what, when, where, why, and how are up to you to figure out.

Blacksad: Under the Skin

BLACKSAD: Under the Skin - A dark corruption scandal in the heart of the New York City's underworld for charismatic detective John Blacksad!
Blacksad: Under the Skin

花城·秋 / Blossom City: Fall

Blossom City:Fall 是一部关于患有抑郁症的大学生北极狼 Aiden Hensley 在花城生活的线性视觉小说。
花城·秋 / Blossom City: Fall

Boy x Boy Love - University

This story about the life of a college student named Aogami Haruto, born in the rural and have to try to adapt urban environments because he had to continue his education at prestigious universities, but many choices he made, if he could choose the right option?
Boy x Boy Love - University

Broken Dreams Correctional Center

BDCC is an erotic text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. It’s obviously a game that involves a lot of bdsm and d/s. The content in this game ranges from vanilla sex to some very dark and sometimes violent stuff. But there are no deaths or guro. It’s also a furry game but you can choose to play as a human or a human-furry hybrid. The game's story will explore many dark topics like legal slavery, forced breeding and others. There ...
Broken Dreams Correctional Center

鳄鱼侦探布罗格 / BROK the InvestiGator

鳄鱼侦探布罗格 / BROK the InvestiGator

兽穴 / Burrows

探索不同时代的各种地点,例如 1960 年代的纽约、1980 年代的洛杉矶(还有更多等待开发!),同时加强与新老朋友的联系。许多选择将摆在您的面前,而结果充满风险。维吉尔的游戏是一场赌博,您就是他的赌注。您是会听从他的安排,努力回到您过去的生活,抑或是开创一个新的未来?
兽穴 / Burrows




喵咪斗恶龙游戏是一款背景设定在奇喵猫世界的开放性RPG游戏! 为了找寻被绑架的猫妹,您将闯入 Felingard 大陆——一个以往昔主地图形式呈现的充满各种猫类角色、故事和俏皮话的世界。

喵咪斗恶龙2 / Cat Quest II

随着广受好评的《CAT QUEST》的成功,开发商 Gentlebros 回到了菲灵格的世界,扩展了原始版本,提供了更多有趣的法术、更多的武器选择、令人兴奋的新角色切换机制以及本地合作!
喵咪斗恶龙2 / Cat Quest II




正值初春季节。开在冒险者云集的小镇中的小小旅舍「葡萄亭」因为某种原因而很出名。 「不喜欢的话就请直接找别家吧。会尊敬勇者大人的旅舍应该其他地方多着是啊」 「镇上就只有我的旅舍绝对不让勇者入住。抱持着这样的信念营业着」 经营旅舍的青年・鲁道夫,超级厌恶勇者。偏偏突然有一天,一个失去记忆的勇者来到他这里。 来历不明的勇者费加罗(暂时的名字),难以置信地对鲁道夫一见钟情。虽然鲁道夫匆匆想要赶他出去,但如此这般之下,就变成是把他雇下来当旅舍的帮手了。 「我,想要留在这里! 就算是旅舍的帮手我也做!请让我留在这里!!」 此外,鲁道夫心中也一直有着某个烦恼。那烦恼还把投宿的客人……嗜酒如命的开朗商人杰依、寡言的保镖剑士凯诺斯,以及在隔壁开了药房的魔法师纳兹库他们,都卷了进来。 再者,镇上出名的无赖们,开始伸出魔爪。勇者、借债、温泉、春日祭、触手、要守护的旅舍及家人……鲁道夫的命运究竟会如何呢?

Chasing Tail

A peaceful fantasy of creatures big and small in all shapes and sizes. But a quiet danger threatens the tranquility of life, and could potentially throw the balance into chaos. Who will stick by your side? What bonds will hold true to the end? Will love help you prevail or will hate end us all?
Chasing Tail



科尔 / Cor

{科尔是一个视觉小说,即使它是可选的,也会有一些成人内容。它还涉及一些可能影响某些人的个人主题。您必须年满 18 岁才能玩} 罗伯特……还记得科尔吗?我们的家乡? ... 是的。你想去那里度假吗? ......是的,其他人说他们也来了......这可能正是我们现在需要的。你怎么说? 科尔是一个毛茸茸的同性视觉小说,您将扮演罗伯特,一只22岁的雪貂,他将在他的家乡科尔度过两个星期。和他的一群朋友一起,他将重新发现没有他的小镇是如何变化的,了解他朋友的新事物,谁知道……也许他会记得如何前进。毕竟,生活有时并不容易。 科尔提供了一个随和但深入的角色驱动的故事,其目标只是与您的朋友一起玩乐并帮助罗伯特更好地了解自己。有些选择比其他选择更重要,但请尽量放松。您可以控制它们。 您可以从这次体验中期待的事情是:具有自己的动机和过去影响他们作为人的角色,根据您的选择不同的分支和场景,与朋友一起探索的小镇,以及总体上关于自我发现的积极故事,了解您在生活中想要什么,以及如何与您所爱的人分享。 ...你知道吗?我们出发吧。一起去科尔吧。
科尔 / Cor


恶堕之旅是一款成人向的RPG冒险游戏! 你将作为北风山谷的传奇领主踏上旅程,与邪恶的魔王展开一场命运的对决! 在旅途中会充斥着各种危险和磨难,一旦失手,等待着你的将是恶堕的惩罚…… 但是身为传奇领主,再凶险的困难都不会阻挡你前进的步伐,开始你的旅程吧!

Corruption of Champions II

Corruption of Champions II is an erotic text-based adventure RPG in which you contend with an invasion of perverse demons into your home realm. Romance friends and enemies such as catgirl clerics and kitsune mages, transform your body, and try to defeat the spreading corruption - or surrender to it!
Corruption of Champions II

神秘生物狂热饭 / Cryptid Crush

《神秘生物狂热饭》是一款受TTRPG启发的以神秘生物为主题的视觉小说,含有灵异元素! 你只身来到海滨小镇Longhope,和形形色色的来自都市怪谈的神秘生物们做起了邻居。你一边照顾猫咪幽灵Taro,一边跟随你结识的好友,小不点天蛾人Atlas和没有翅膀的泽西魔鬼Jamie,开始了你的旅程。在你与Longhope镇的居民(不论是活着的、死掉了的还是恶魔)一步步建立联系时,看看你在爱情和命运上的运气是怎样的吧。 《神秘生物狂热饭》将至少包含五位神秘生物的专属剧情与战斗,并且每隔几个月就会更新内容!
神秘生物狂热饭 / Cryptid Crush



黎明合唱团 / Dawn Chorus

《黎明合唱团》是一部以寒冷和冰雪覆盖的挪威为背景的健康、非线性浪漫、毛茸茸的视觉小说。 搬到另一个国家学习是一个巨大的进步,但也是一个新开始的机会。第一学期开始两个月后,你将参加北极圈上空一家偏远宾馆的科学夏令营。在那里,你会遇到很多角色,每个角色都有自己的故事。你会选择重燃旧日的友谊,加深与熟人的联系,还是结识新朋友?你会揭露你的朋友可能隐藏的秘密吗?这些友谊会发展成更多的东西吗? 该游戏包含成人内容,仅供成人游玩。
黎明合唱团 / Dawn Chorus


腐化黎明是一款幽暗奇幻类型的NSFW RPG游戏 警告,此乃NSFW游戏,仅供成年人游玩。 此游戏的特点是男性同性恋角色和恋物癖,如: 肌肉增长,巨物,亢进,粘液,身体转化,腐化 你将成长为什么?腐败将会渗透你的身心吗?




UNDERTALE's parallel story, DELTARUNE. Meet new and old characters in a tale that steps closer to its end, chapter by chapter. Dodge bullets in nonviolent RPG battles as you listen to funky, funky music. Try Chapter 1 and 2 for free... now!!! More chapters in development!!!



长途旅行 / Distant Travel

Distant Travels is a sci-fi visual novel focused on the theme of Quantum Entanglement, and the question - can feelings be entangled? With scars of the past, and recurring dreams that seem as they're about someone you know. And the looming threat of the Endless White consuming the world.. But wait. You're just you. A network tech working a job with little prospects of moving on... Until, there's a job opportunity. Will this job lead you to a better life or just lead you to fee...
长途旅行 / Distant Travel

Dog X Bloods

Dog X Bloods

Doodle 冠军岛运动会

Over the coming weeks, join calico (c)athlete Lucky as she explores Doodle Champion Island: a world filled with seven sport mini-games, legendary opponents, dozens of daring side quests, and a few new (and old ;)) friends. Her ultimate goal? Defeat each sport Champion to collect all seven sacred scrolls—and complete extra hidden challenges across Champion Island in the purrr-ocess.
Doodle 冠军岛运动会


DracoFighter is a solo-developed 2D fighting game with a focus on accessibility and local multiplayer, with movesets that are easy to learn but harder to master. Explore the stories of these hand-animated characters in a futuristic world led by dragons!


Draconia 是一款以龙族视角展开的大型在线角色扮演游戏,供您发挥创意创造独属于自己的龙,在探索 Draconia 的过程中不断成长,共同揭秘这个世界的故事。

失落的龙约 / Dragalia Lost

失落的龙约 / Dragalia Lost


DragonBlast is an unfinished doujin fighting game for the PC that is designed to be simple, with great rewards for hard reads. Counterhits steal the opponent's meter as well as life, and are accompanied by very visible effects and slowdown whenever they occur. Matches are often very quick, and damage overall is high.



尘埃:幸福的尾巴 / Dust: An Elysian Tail

Immerse yourself in a gorgeous hand-painted world on a search for your true identity. As the mysterious warrior, Dust, your action-packed journey will take you from peaceful glades to snowy mountaintops and beyond.
尘埃:幸福的尾巴 / Dust: An Elysian Tail

回音 / Echo

"我就知道你会回来的... 即使再次回到这里,你也会试图逃离... 停下吧... 因为就像这个镇子一样... 你永远都在原地打转..."
回音 / Echo

回声:65号公路 / Echo: Route 65

《回声:65号公路》是一部讲述以西南乡镇少年 Chase 为中心故事的视觉小说。Chase 以非常尴尬的形式被父母发现是同性恋。从放学回家的公交车上下车后,他为了逃避自己“出柜”的事实,沿着一条称为 65 号线的公路进行了一场夜间冒险。 《回音》系列有三部主要作品,以及一部短篇前传。按时间顺序来讲,分别是:设定在1915年的前传作品《吸烟室》,主角团在2008年万圣节探险的短篇前传《回音:65号公路》,系列首部作品《回音》,以及《回音》事件发生5年后的续作《拱桥》。
回声:65号公路 / Echo: Route 65

月蚀城 / Eclipse City

月蚀城 / Eclipse City

伊甸之触 / Eden's Reach

伊甸之触 / Eden's Reach


分封制王国“万衍”王权渐衰,各封国间烽烟四起。东海边小国“帛”十一年前被北方大国“戮”所灭。十一年后,帛故都宛央城郊,帛太子荒朱带领援军前来,准备夺回家国。 战棋游戏《履云录》中,玩家将作为指挥官,与八位主角一起见证东海各国的兴衰。

Endless Bounty

This is a point and click adventure where you lead Drok'tar through the town of Gabranth and its surrounding areas while looking for his bounty. You'll meet a slew of characters along with way, and if you play your cards right, you'll find yourself in more... erotic situations with some of them.
Endless Bounty



“时间,不停止流逝。 青春,是一片森林。 我们,寻找也等待。 只为,遇到那个人。” 大三的学期末,接着暑假来临。 主人公一武同学,遇到了很多人。 命运的齿轮在我们看不见的角落转动着。 三年前无疾而终的思绪......又再一次鼓动。 随着时间的流逝,不着痕迹地在心中留下伤痕。 人生很漫长,青春却短暂;我想,这是我青葱岁月的尾声。

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities is a visual novel following the main character (you!) through his endeavor of trying to romance a member of his tennis team. The choices you make can impact the way you teammates react to you, so make your choices carefully.
Extracurricular Activities

猎鹰城 / Falcon City

猎鹰城 / Falcon City



Familiar Travels

Familiar Travels is a different kind of graphic adventure with a focus on diverse relationships, an important, story and forging genuine connections with the cast.
Familiar Travels

世界之外 / Far Beyond the World

世界之外 / Far Beyond the World

致命力量:孤狼的悲剧 / Fatal Force : The Tragedy of The Lone Wolf Arc

致命力量:孤狼的悲剧 / Fatal Force : The Tragedy of The Lone Wolf Arc


简单操作 X 诙谐动物 X 刺激对战!!! 选择你喜欢的趣味动物来一场充满野性的激烈♂ 对战吧!你可以在游戏中与全世界的玩家好手对战,也能在街机模式中击败所有敌人,成为动物之王。本作仅需四个按钮操纵,并且采用一键出招系统,没有复杂的操作,打起来轻松有趣!肌肉右钩柴、绝对王者狐、霸气猫、乌鸦猩、魔法松鼠…等待着你的参战!




FixFox is a wholesome sci-fi adventure game. Play as Vix, an unlucky space mechanic, who crashlands on a mysterious planet where tools are forbidden. Accompanied by her trusty toolbox Tin, Vix travels across the planet Karamel discovering hidden stashes left by pirates, repairing friendly household appliances, and sampling tasty local delicacies. EXPLORE AND DISCOVER Traverse the planet on a peppy scooter, clear pathways with a hefty power loader, or simply go on a peaceful j...

Flexible Survival

FS is an adult text RPG that focuses on themes of transformation and related topics. You can find just about any kind of fetish or kink in FS, featuring content like your standard furry creatures, to more intriguing and exotic transformations like foxes made of latex, or girls made entirely of goo! There are over 250 unique forms in Flexible Survival, and over 100 NPCs to interact with.
Flexible Survival



Four-Letter Word

What's the hardest thing to say to someone you really care about when you're not sure how they feel about you? Four-Letter Word is a gay, furry visual novel about love and some of the many different paths through life it can take you. Play as one of two roommates with a shared history who are on their own journeys to figure out who they are and what they want, and help them find the answers they seek.
Four-Letter Word


FOX n FORESTS is a 16-bit style action platformer with RPG elements! Switch seasons on the fly and wield your crossbow to unveil the mystery of the 5th season.



Freedom Planet

Fight your way across the celestial world of Avalice where cats are green, motorcycles drive up walls and monster girls do most of the buttkicking! Freedom Planet is a cartoony, combat-based platform adventure that pits a spunky dragonoid and her friends against an alien attack force.
Freedom Planet

Fueled by Insanity

Fueled by Insanity is a mystery/horror visual novel in which you play as Jeffrey, an anxiety-ridden yet cheerful fox as you encounter a new friend named Ted. The two, seeming to be in a similar life situation, decide to stick together to help each other out.
Fueled by Insanity



Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times

Manage a Halloween store. Don't kill your co-workers. Don't sell out to corporate. Don't lose your sanity. November is just around the corner.
Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times


以Furry为角色的传统的日式RPG。 操作犬兽人“托姆”在剑与魔法与科技(?)的世界中体验邂逅同伴、冒险与奇遇的故事。


《兽人大学:启示录》的坏结局后发生的故事。玩家,也就是你,将扮演性取向为男性的新生陈川来到兽都上学。 在游戏的过程中,你将遇到你的室友刘川,你的宿管阿卢,你对门的邻居李军,与你专业课相同的白锋,楼底旧猫巷的代班老板孙熊,还有你的足球老师亚格斯。 无论如何,你将自己决定如何与他们相处。你可以选择成为一名乖乖学生念完大学,或者与与某位你中意的兽人产生纯情关系。当然,你也能臣服于你的肉体,成为名副其实的“烂裤裆”,与多位兽人发生肉体关系。


Furwind is a colorful, pixel art style, action-platformer game that evokes the challeging classics of the old days. Embark on this epic adventure in which a little fox will fight the ominous darkness that is invading its world.


《揭谛》为以“NVL maker”开发、个人制作兽人同性向的文字恋爱类游戏,游戏中玩家将扮演主角以“破解系统”为契机与兽人建立关联、寻找实现种族间的和平之法。

Gomamon Trainer

The world you find yourself in is not the digital world you know however, but a strange In-Between-World and you have to find your way out with Gomamon by your side. Talk, Molest and Fuck the little digimon however you please as you advance further to escape with him by your side. You can either be nice or mean to him, depending if you want him to be your Lover Slut or Slave Slut. As this is an unfinished game, this feature has no effect as of yet. Gomamon Trainer is a work...
Gomamon Trainer

Gori: Cuddly Carnage

Want to slice creepy toys? Want to dice mutated unicorns? Want to play as a murder-kitty on a death-dealing hoverboard? Great news! Gori: Cuddly Carnage is the game you’ve been waiting for!
Gori: Cuddly Carnage



Great Troubles

At the beginning of the second semester a new student from the countryside is transfered to a famous city school. School days promised to be interesting and fun, but something went wrong...
Great Troubles

从零开始的魔法书 / ゼロから始める魔法の書

从零开始的魔法书 / ゼロから始める魔法の書




《枪火重生》是一款融合了第一人称射击、Roguelite 随机要素和 RPG 策略选择的冒险闯关游戏。玩家在游戏里可以操纵不同能力的英雄组建多种 Build 玩法,使用随机掉落的武器在随机性关卡中进行冒险挑战。可以单人畅玩,也可以最多四人组队挑战。


Eroticism system You can increase the eroticism of villages you visit. Make various suggestions to make erotic villages. Sex battle You can conciliate enemies with temptation. You can sex with every normal enemy after the battle Transformation system You can change various parameters of your body, such as height, weight, body type, and penis size.

Heartbeat Faraway

Heartbeat Faraway融合了节奏与文本冒险玩法,是一款关于选择与救赎的游戏。 你将扮演一名自杀热线的接线员,面对形形色色的患者,他们或因为职场的压力产生焦虑,或因为生活的变故逐渐失控,你要做的,就是通过选择合适的对话解开他们的心结,让他们完成心灵的救赎,与自己和解。
Heartbeat Faraway

炉火旁 / Hearthfire

Hearthfire 是单线性浪漫的兽人视觉小说,你将在其中扮演 Chris,一只在雪地迷路的水獭。跟着他在充满冰雪的山里冒险,他在冒险的同时,也为拯救了他的北极熊兽人找到了感情。
炉火旁 / Hearthfire

热源 / Heat Source

热源 / Heat Source

英雄降临 / Hero's Advent

英雄降临 / Hero's Advent

Heroic Sphere - Episode1: CyberWolf

Heroic Sphere is a suite of erotic visual novels [Eroge] that takes place in a futuristic cartoon world filled with hunky superhero beasts. [BARA/FURRY] You can play the entire game for free by using the short version of the game but you will just have 1 path available. The game features 3 Bad endings and 1 canon ending. 20k + words, No censorship, sound effects and some portraits/animation variations(no CG), multiple paths and 30-45 minutes of gameplay to unlock everything. ...
Heroic Sphere - Episode1: CyberWolf

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

返乡 ~漏夏重置~ / Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~

In Homecoming, you take on the role of a young Japanese snow fox named Hiroyuki Nishimura. After moving away from your hometown Minasato to Osaka five years ago, you receive an unexpected letter from an old friend inviting you back for one last summer vacation before completing your senior year of high school. What complicates things is how you've neglected to contact any of your friends over the years. Although nervous, you accept the invitation.
返乡 ~漏夏重置~ / Homecoming ~Morenatsu Revisited~

与狼神神威一起 / ホロケウカムイといっしょ

只要有我的陪伴,你一定能成为英雄!召唤师!让我们一起从锻炼身体开始! 由LGBT游戏应用发行商“Lifewonders”出品 “东京放学后召唤师”衍生应用! 与狼神神威一起锻炼,成为英雄吧!
与狼神神威一起 / ホロケウカムイといっしょ

Hunt and Snare

Explore the beautiful archipelago of Skiir; Sail its open seas, roam its deep woods, and sexplore its exotic species. Hunt and Snare to your heart's content.
Hunt and Snare


Judah Bishop is a young sea otter who just recently joined the Feral branch of the military and is now plunged into a whole new world of battles, strategy, and danger. He must work with his squadron against any threat that comes his way lest he fall to the I.C.O.

I.D.E.K.A Halloween Special

2015 Edition This is a short visual novel collaboration between myself and CursedMarked based around the characters in our comic, I.D.E.K.A.. Join the group in a small Halloween Special we created as things go crazy in their potion shop. It was Patron only, but it's been long enough now to where we feel like we can release it for everyone! If you'd like to see more about these characters and more visual novel work, considering becoming Patrons or follow us on our other site...
I.D.E.K.A Halloween Special


Identity is a non-linear, horror/mystery visual novel with a plot based around the premise of self-rediscovery. You take on the role of Yarin Nyrok, a scalie fellow who wakes up with no recollection of himself or anything else. Fortunately, you meet some odd people who are willing to help you, apparently old friends and some new acquaintances. Try to find out who you were, whatever caused you to wake up blank, and form new bonds and memories meanwhile. And if you can't uncover your old self, you may still form your own, new Identity!

In Case of Emergency

In Case of Emergency is a fantasy, comedy drama, romance visual novel with role-playing elements. Play as Kieran, an almost-college grad who enrolls in summer remedial classes after failing his final semester of school. When he stumbles upon a mysterious staircase on campus, he discovers a dying world of swords, magic, and prophecy.
In Case of Emergency

Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb

The Orb of Storms has been stolen and Rif is accused. You have only days to help Rif get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing Orb.
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb

Inspector Waffles

Murder. Nothin’ nice about it. In this old school detective adventure, step into the boots of whip-smart Inspector Waffles and travel the city to track hidden clues, interrogate shady suspects, and unravel a dangerous mystery. But be warned: curiosity killed the cat...
Inspector Waffles

阿达斯特拉:幕间 / Adastra:Interea

Adastra: Interea (也可简称为Interea) 是阿达斯特拉系列的剧情扩充包。作者称,Interea将会是一部短篇小说。
阿达斯特拉:幕间 / Adastra:Interea

I Promise

Scott 和他的同学们踏上了一次小小的圣诞旅行。他们满心盼望着将会经历的快乐时光,像是滑雪,温泉还有其他的美好事物!但前方等待着的仅仅只是这些吗?... 本作是游戏 Great Troubles 的续集。
I Promise

Just, Bearly

An honest comedy about anxiety and feeling awkward, played through painfully relatable mini games.
Just, Bearly



兽人角斗场 / Kemo Coliseum

Kemo Coliseum is an adult puzzle RPG game. Players will take a role of Volga, an ex-soldier from the Nuana, the country of the North, and participate in the tournament in the Kingdom of Kornelia. The winner of the tournament will be rewarded with a title of a "Gladiator", and a chance ask one wish to be granted by the king of Kornelia. The game is a mix of a match-3 puzzle game with RPG elements. Matching three or more gems of the same type to erase them from the board. Each ...
兽人角斗场 / Kemo Coliseum


五行魔兽 RPG 四只野兽应邀来到一座小岛。 他们的任务是打败为生者复仇的五大恶魔。 这四只野兽拥有这样做的能力。 因为 青龙、铃音、白虎和玄武 他们是掌管五行的五神的后裔。 这是一款以五行神兽后裔为主角的 RPG 游戏。 游戏时间约为 4-8 小时,有两个结局。 视频发布和直播实况:请随意! 7/7 1.03 版发布。 调整了逃生概率。 地图、对话等略有修改。 如果您有以前版本的保存数据,可以转移到 1.03 版。 请将旧版本文件夹中的以下所有文件转移到 1.03 版文件夹中: Save1-10.rxdata Save1-10_sub.rxdata Master.rxdata 3/3 1.02 版发布。 在冒险中前进一段距离后,五行图现在会在战斗中显示。 现在可以查看冒险记录。 2/5 1.01 版发布。 对技巧、奇遇和移动进行了调整。 从第二周起,标题中增加了 "继承 "命令。 -等级和打开的宝箱可以继承。 -玩家将从一开始就拥有防止遭遇战的装饰。 本游戏需要 RPG Maker XP RTP(运行时包)。


你和你的父亲一起旅行,却在一个小镇意外卷入了一些奇怪的事。 游戏随你的选择而导向多种结局。 (实际上这仍然是一个欢乐向的游戏)



兽人麻将 / Kemono Mahjong

兽人麻将 / Kemono Mahjong

Kemono Roster - Minos

主角鼓起勇气向一直暗恋着的虎兽人学长告白,结果却遭到对方的伤害。失落之际,一位自称是神明的人物从天而降,说要帮助主角对学长进行报复。于是乎,主角报复调教学长的故事就如此这般拉开了帷幕。 游戏一共有4个结局,注意游戏中的出现的提示信息,就可以顺利达成全部结局了。
Kemono Roster - Minos

兽人战士的夜袭 / ケモノ戦士の夜這い

The "Colby" (you) was hired by the Furry Warrior Zigmar It was the last day of the quest. Zigmar has pitched his tent in the forest and is already asleep. You've taken the night watch, and you can't help but feel a secret love for him. You sneaks into the tent where Zigmar have told "never to enter". Multi-device (Windows, Mac, Android) support! Note: This game does not work on Mac OS Catalina (10.15) or later. How to play this game? Touch or hold or scratch the characte...
兽人战士的夜袭 / ケモノ戦士の夜這い

克希米亚 / Khemia

克希米亚 / Khemia



Killigan's Treasure

Set in the land of Canavar, you play as a bull-like barbarian named Killigan Stoneworth, determined to follow an enchanted treasure map throughout the world. He meets several companions along the way that join him in his quest for unimaginable riches, and who can become more than companions, if you wish.
Killigan's Treasure


Kingsguard is considered a non-linear visual novel so your choices will bring about changes to the story, open up new dialogue, and even affect the ending. To fully understand the story and piece together the mysteries the characters will face, you must play each of the three character paths that will take you to a different corner of Torvair. The choices you make will have consequences and effect the story in various ways.


《Knights College 骑士学院》是一款以骑士团候补生们生活的『骑士学院』为舞台的、兽人题材的视觉小说。在本作中,所有选项都将以卡片的形式呈现,您所扮演的主人公将一边收集卡片一边体验宿舍生活。

Kobold Adventure

Kobold Adventure is an adult, text-based choose your own adventure game. You will assume the role of a kobold, and try to survive in a hostile medieval fantasy world. You will face many trials and tribulations before the end, and your life will not be an easy one. Can you make it out alive, or will you fall prey to the many dangers of this world?
Kobold Adventure


苦 七相是一只从事刑警工作的犬兽人,有一天在下班途中遭到一只狮子兽人凌子的抢劫,在制服凌子之后没有逮捕他,而是想帮助他走上正轨...... 黏 焦雨是一只从事贩毒活动的犬兽人,有一次在偶然经过一家旅馆的时候,对旅馆的老板狐兽人年年产生了兴趣...... 寒 故事追溯到七相还在警校上学的时候,他的班主任正是焦雨...... 毒 系列作品第四部,与前三部作品均有承接。

秘密之礁湖 / 秘密裏のラグーン

春洲是一个拥有泻湖的偏远村庄。故事的主角空午偶然得到了朋友的帮助,来到了这个村庄。 入职村里的餐厅打工的空午,受到了餐厅店长豪的忠告。 「绝对不要靠近村里的喷泉。」 不明所以的空午只是点了点头,但他很快就发现了喷泉的秘密。 在村里等待着空午的是,关于「有毒喷泉」的谜之传闻,以及令人情欲高涨的每一天。
秘密之礁湖 / 秘密裏のラグーン

阁楼之礁湖 / 屋根裏のラグーン

春洲是一个拥有泻湖的偏远村庄。在此平和度日的主人公空午,某一天在湖边发现了一名体型巨大的可疑的狮兽人。 出于对这位狮兽人无法入住旅馆而被迫露宿的同情,空午将他带回了家。然而,原计划只有一天的过夜,随着故事剧情的发展变成了长达一周的留宿。由于空午自己也是借住,他必须小心不让屋主察觉到自己擅自留宿陌生人的事。 空午还没来得及对这位来历不明的狮兽人产生怀疑,就在这座位于村子外围的小房子里,被卷入了意想不到的麻烦之中。
阁楼之礁湖 / 屋根裏のラグーン

围炉之礁湖 / 囲炉裏のラグーン

这是继「秘密之礁湖」、「阁楼之礁湖」之后,礁湖系列的完结作。 围炉里,温泉,以及圣诞庆典。 游戏内选项将会影响结局走向 游戏内置额外的换装功能
围炉之礁湖 / 囲炉裏のラグーン

秘密之礁湖 重制版 / Lagoon Lounge : The Poisonous Fountain

这是一部包含兽人角色与同性恋爱主题的视觉小说游戏。 你将在游戏内扮演一名兽人角色,搬到湖边的小村子居住,和当地的村民生活在一起。
秘密之礁湖 重制版 / Lagoon Lounge : The Poisonous Fountain

Lands of Fire

Lands of Fire is a gay furry VN based on the cultures and oral traditions of pre-colonial Australia.
Lands of Fire

Later Alligator

Pat the alligator, a (mostly) harmless and (probably) innocent reptile is at the center of a conspiracy that could bring down the biggest, scariest family in Alligator New York City: his own! Explore the city, meet the Family, and try to save Pat before the clock runs out.
Later Alligator

Layers of Stardust

This is a tri-story of epic proportions. Where One murder will lead to reveal a huge planetary conspiracy. Once entry in a ancient data pad to the finding of forgotten gateways into the unknown. One broken mug to the discovery of a long lost spaceship.
Layers of Stardust

凯之传奇 / Legend of Kay Anniversary

10 years after its initial release, Legend of Kay - Anniversary is a thoroughly remastered version of the original game: high-resolution textures; new, more detailed character models; modern rendering techniques and crystal-clear surround sound give this great classic a new shine.
凯之传奇 / Legend of Kay Anniversary

Lenin - The Lion

Lenin – The Lion is a Puzzle RPG game about overcoming fears. Walk into chaos and find the claws of loneliness or carefully build your path and find the benefits of understanding and acceptance.
Lenin - The Lion


Limits is an interactive M/M visual novel. What happens within is for you to find out. Interested?

Lintw - 兽之物语

据说,「学校」不容忍愚蠢的孩子。 笨蛋只有一种命运:被关在触手室里。 就算哭也不会停止,背上的洞里的惩罚……………… Lintw的设计理念: 在Lintw... 没有人一出生就患有残疾或有疾病倾向, 没有人记得自杀的悲伤, 没有人记得杀人时的愤怒, 没有人必须工作,没有人不必担心食物, 孩子学习直到长大成人, 一个成年人可以永远玩耍直到死去的世界。 在Lintw... 有一个提交残疾报告和疾病倾向报告的系统。 根据该报告,有一个系统可以允许在下一代进行修正。 人口稳定,子女学习不存在障碍。 每个人都能接受不随时代变化的统一、高品质的教育, 不会有犯罪,不会有战争,不需要任何法律, 它有一个网状的社会结构,没有中央政府, 一个你可以与第一次见面的人进行友好交谈的世界。 TODO: 创建 Lintw 世界哲学页面 这个世界的开始没有任何「剧本」。 悲剧屡屡发生,对表演者和观众都没有好处。 我们的目的是为这个贫穷的世界写一个剧本, 并将其改造成一个遵循剧本的世界。 ©2014 konzaburou 版权所有。
Lintw - 兽之物语

Longest Night

"Longest Night": A Night In The Woods story where you trace constellations, featuring new dialogue and a cozy campfire setting. Stargaze and immerse yourself in the world of Night In The Woods.
Longest Night


Two lookouts meet in a desert, far from the sight of their gangs. With more in common than they could've expected, they scout out a town with rumours of gold. What will become of this fateful meeting?

Lost Constellation

Lost Constellation is a Night In The Woods ghost story. Travel into the frozen woods in a folktale from the world of Night In The Woods.
Lost Constellation






Amidst a terrible storm, a beam of light shines down from the skies. From this light, a human appears in a world dominated by beastmen.
Plunged into an entirely different civilisation, play as yourself (Vincent standard name), as you try to unlock the layers behind your past.

Lovely Overseer

Lovely Overseer is an animated romantic dating simulator in the furry style. You are a young lieutenant overseeing the correction of magically talented individuals in the closed and isolated complex of the military Academy. Your main task is to maintain order and train recruits.
Lovely Overseer

Lovers of Aether

Are you tired of fighting? Lovers of Aether is the game for you! This is a wholesome animal dating simulator set in the world of Rivals of Aether.
Lovers of Aether


Our protagonist wakes up dazed and confused, where is he? Who is he? For that matter, why is he all covered in fur? Help Red discover his past and hopefully meet a few interesting characters along the way.

露娜咖啡馆 / Lunateria

您将在游戏中扮演主角 Raiga ,他是一只蓝狗,他的性取向一直不被其他人所知。 只有他的同志朋友老虎 Kougi 知道 Raiga 的性取向。 过去发生了很多事情,因此Raiga现在与他的继父黑豹 Seijirou 住在一起,Seijirou 是著名的咖啡馆“露娜咖啡馆”的所有者。 他的生活似乎很平常,直到他儿时的朋友和暗恋对象棕狼 Rikiya 来到他的城市的那天。您的故事从这里开始。
露娜咖啡馆 / Lunateria

与罗南共餐 / Lunch with Ronan

与罗南共餐 / Lunch with Ronan

Lustful Desires

During your adventure you are going to meet a lot of people and you will face many different situations. Have in mind that the way you deal with the problem may have consequences later. Do you want to be a hero everyone respect or maybe you prefer to give all the pleasure to everyone interested?
Lustful Desires

欲之花 / Lust Shards

这个世界充满了被欲望和魔法驱动的恶魔,需要由相应的巫师处理。 被著名的魔法学院发掘后,你开始了新生活。你的天赋资质和外表会引起很多人的注意,你会遇到有4个重要的人,每人都有自己的性格和个性,选择你的线,让他们爱上你! 今年你的运气不好,因为新校长正在实施开学考试,过滤掉弱者,留下强者,谁知道为什么?也许你会发现的。 如果你没有设法通过测试,那么你可以告别你的爱情和魔法生活,同时无法弄清楚学院和你的新朋友的秘密。
欲之花 / Lust Shards


Having worked as a therapist for several months treating soldiers and families with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Lassie is in desperate need of some time off. Her girlfriend suggests a trip to a local business to get a makeover, with promises of relaxation and some time to unwind. But when she awakens to find herself stripped and alone in a dungeon of unrelenting perverts, Lassie must fight her way out and rescue her friends, or find herself the personal toy of a diabolica...


Lyre is a romance furry visual novel story where you travel to a strange kingdom as a human ambassador, surrounded by diverse characters. Your only weakness is that you have no idea what their motives are. They're all deceiving each other and every one of them is better at it than you. You find yourself only able to trust the most unlikely individual as a terrible plot unfolds around you.

疯老鼠之死 / マッドラットデッド

疯老鼠之死 / マッドラットデッド

Magic Sword for Kamonegi-go

This is adventure to enjoy with ship's mate on a flying ship.All Ship's mate are furry.
Magic Sword for Kamonegi-go

大调小调 / Major\Minor

操纵现实的力量 两个世界之间的斗争及其饱受困扰的共存 一场濒临革命的政治斗争 一连串神秘的谋杀案,夺去家人和朋友的生命 这一切的核心——是您 一波谋杀和自杀浪潮席卷全国,一场比一场神秘。 您扮演“幸运二人”之一,作为比赛的获胜者,有幸与国际流行偶像一起旅游。 但是,当您到达东京参加这次世界巡回演唱会的开幕式时,事件迅速升级。 您别无选择,只能深入探索危险的领域——所有这些都是以揭开这些神秘死亡的真相为名。 真相涉及与另一个世界的冲突;以及那里寻求救赎的居民。 您是救世主——您的工作是为世界创造更光明的未来。 特点: 数本小说的长度 30 个可与之互动的角色 通过深度情感系统打造友谊 SMS 系统:收/发来自角色的消息 导致不同经历的多种选择 多结局 Steam 集换式卡牌 控制器支持 Steam 成就 Steam Link 和 Steam Overlay 支持
大调小调 / Major\Minor


子供の頃 まどろみの中で母が読んでくれたお話は いつも正義の味方が活躍していた 平和な田舎町、シェリムで生まれ育った少年、ロキ 最近、よく夢を見る 村が焼け落ち、母が見た事のない化け物に襲われる夢 その夢はやがて現実のものとなり 化け物の群れは村を襲った 母と村の危機に ロキの想いと呼応するかの様に現れた 黒き剣 それは、歪な運命の始まりだった これは、僕が運命に抗う物語だ


本游戏服装论坛赋予用户美妙的在线体验,让《避难所》(Shelter) 系列的新老游戏迷们欢聚一堂,迎接一个奇异的世界。



记忆泄露 / Memory Leak

记忆泄露 / Memory Leak

喵喵战争 / Meow Wars: Card Battle

喵喵战争 / Meow Wars: Card Battle



Midnight Fireworks

Midnight Fireworks is a Fourth-of-July themed sex game with a cozy summertime atmosphere, an intimate POV perspective, and an optional autoplay feature. The game originally featured a single pair of male characters, but has expanded to include a variety of swappable tops and bottoms, including female and intersex characters. More characters are still being added to the game with each update, so check back for new content every now and then!
Midnight Fireworks

米诺陶旅馆 / Minotaur Hotel

《米诺陶旅馆》是一个饱受赞誉的同性恋浪漫故事,在这里你结识并深入了解一位来自希腊神话名为 Asterion 的牛头人,并且管理一家拥有魔力,由一群神话生物组成的旅馆。
米诺陶旅馆 / Minotaur Hotel


ケモノRPG ピザさんのお話をゲームにしたものです(許可済み) プレイ時間 5~6時間程度 EDは一つです 一応順番として 『クラフトワーク物語』(ノベルゲーム) 『メリー・マリーに幸せを』(ノベルゲーム) 『ミリィ・マリーに安らぎを』(RPGゲーム) 『ある魔術師の話』(ミリィ・マリーに安らぎを のおまけゲーム) となっています 流血やグロなど過激な描写が あるので苦手な方はご注意


Monster is a 2D fighting game released in 2005 and 2006 by 8105graphics. It features a diverse cast of human and anthropomorphic animal characters with a variety of unique fighting styles.


传奇系列归来,开启全新的壮丽冒险之旅! 原先的Wonder Boy in Monster World系列的设计师Ryuichi Nishizawa参与制作了这款色彩丰富的动作冒险游戏,好好赏玩吧。



漏夏 / 咱的夏天。 / 漏れなつ。

在高考前的最后一个暑假,在城市的主角收到小时候住的村子(水乡村)里朋友来信。因为祖父母还住在那里,主角就决定回老家探望。 主角搭公车回到水乡村,遇见在巴士站等待他的虎彦,稍晚参加朋友们为他举办的欢迎会,介绍九个主要角色之后进入分歧点,在此选择故事进行的八条路线(其中一条路线包含两位主要角色)。
漏夏 / 咱的夏天。 / 漏れなつ。

漏夏(非公式版) / 咱的夏天。(非公式版) / 漏れなつ。(非公式版)

漏夏(非公式版) / 咱的夏天。(非公式版) / 漏れなつ。(非公式版)

My Part Time Lover

After receiving a message from your uncle, you make your way to Milton Town. You have been asked to take care of his property for 30 days until he returns. What will become of your stay?
My Part Time Lover


当你醒来时,你发现你刚从海中被捞到一艘船上,被一群凶猛的海盗包围。你很快发现这群海盗在做各种堕落苟且之事,然而这些事却在你脑海中挥之不去。 危险却又性感的旅程,就在【我的海盗老公】。

My Time At Etheria

After waking up from a bizarre dream, you find yourself lost in the middle of the woods. Unfamiliar with your surrounding, you decided to make your way out of the forest...
My Time At Etheria

My Very Own Lith

In My Very Own Lith, you meet a shy, black-furred feline that you can befriend, seduce, dominate, or be dominated by, and build a relationship with him or her. After that, things get strange as you finally turn to look outward, and inward…
My Very Own Lith


是否和你的毛茸茸伙伴一起躲避危险 并且逃离这座神秘的地下设施 或者了解神秘的地下设施“背后的故事”



Nell Adventure

在2XXX年,一只名为Nell的狐狸受够了在令人窒息的“后现代”社会给上层阶级做牛做马,为了逃避这一切她抛弃了自己的过去来到了一个荒岛上去追求原始主义生活,却不想这看似无人的小岛上藏着一支神秘的反抗军……导致Nell在不经意间,参与了一系列波澜壮阔的冒险! 《Nell大冒险》是一个以平台跳跃为内核,但每一个大的区域游戏类型都不同的独立游戏,目前的第一区域是类Iwnana主题。但是其他的区域里游戏类型可能会发生巨大变化,比如变成类魔城、类洛克人、挖矿类纵向探险、随机生成闯关甚至回合制rpg……
Nell Adventure


Nerus is a mystery and romance kinetic novel about two souls with intertwined fates.

下一程 / Next Step

一部关于Wallace和Deacon关系起源的视觉小说。 离他升入大学只有一天了,Wallace必须充分利用他与Deacon在名为“下一程”的大型毕业晚会上的最后一天。唯一的问题是他还没告诉他就要走了。Wallace能鼓起勇气告诉他最好的朋友搬家的事吗?也许会告诉他一些别的事情?
下一程 / Next Step

林中之夜 / Night in the Woods

林中之夜 / Night in the Woods

星空与你 / Night Sky

星空与你 / Night Sky


《九日》是一款结合道教科幻与上古神话的 2D 平台动作冒险游戏。强调格挡机制和节奏明快的战斗、配合独特的道庞克背景,刻画出别具特色的手绘世界。面对统御新昆仑的九位太阳,玩家扮演羿,只身踏上一条复仇血路。

Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

Ninjin: Clash of Carrots是一款由受动画启发而创作的深度自定义横版射击游戏,在里面你会面对各种各样的敌人。你将化身忍者兔,或忍者狐Akai,通过战斗夺回被Shogun Moe偷走的胡萝卜!用胡萝卜可以兑换武器、升级和其他内容!支持两人在线或本地合作模式。
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots

No More Future

NMF is a linear Furry Sci-Fi Visual Novel: explore a high-tech futuristic world as an android, meet all sorts of new people and reconnect with some old faces, find the truth behind your existence and your purpose in this new world.
No More Future

海角笔记 / Notes from the Cape

海角笔记 / Notes from the Cape


《Notes of Hearts》是一款研发中的PC和Mac平台游戏。游戏核心玩法结合了JRPG和恋爱模拟元素,战斗系统则采用3v3团队回合制的情景战斗模式。

No Vacancy

No Vacancy, originally created in July 2014 reached the quantity of +40 characters and +200.000 views on FurAffinity. It has become my biggest project ever. Since my art and animation skills have been improved, it's time to reboot and make this game like a definitive edition. As people has shown me, they love this game and were very happy when a new updated was released. The problem was the updates were totally dependent of users's commissions and the game couldn't be updated...
No Vacancy

Oh So Hero!

Oh So Hero! is a lewd metroidvania game in development by Full Frontal Frog! Play as the dragonesque hero Joe to fight and fornicate with enemies, build intimate relationships with anthropomorphic characters, and embark on a sex-filled adventure to win the mysterious alien Gerrabacco tournament being held on Joe’s island!
Oh So Hero!

大神 绝景版 / 大神 絶景版

甚具和风色彩以华美世界‧日本为舞台的感人活剧「大神」,将化为高解像度登场。 描绘得生动活泼的图像,可以说完全吻合绝景之名,具气息之美。 成为大神天照,与具魅力的登场人物们相遇,在这美丽的大自然驱驰。 当迎接故事的终焉时,一定令你感动流涕⋯⋯。
大神 绝景版 / 大神 絶景版

预兆景象 权威版 / Omensight: Definitive Edition

预兆景象 权威版 / Omensight: Definitive Edition


《煦风新笺-Once Upon a Breeze》是一款以毛茸茸世界繁华与传统并盛的岛城『风本市』里,一所颇为特立独行的私立学校『风本学院』为主舞台的兽人题材的视觉小说。同时它又不止于小说,包括个人界面、摸摸乐等更多内置小游戏都在不断更新开发中。作为一款偏向群像的游戏,您将以包括小老虎浦昼在内的众多角色的角度来感受毛茸茸世界的学园生活,以及更多丰富绚烂的故事!已有十五位并仍在不断增加的、诸多种族的学生和教师们正在风本学院校门的另一侧等待着迎接你们!从今天开始入学吧!

One Last Night

One Last Night is an 18+ furry visual novel where you play as Dorian, our main character, as he navigates the world around him and the trials he'll face for the sake of his true love, Marshall.
One Last Night

我的泛灵论~地狱篇~ / おれのアニミズム~地獄篇~

神和龙,两位见习神明。 当他们像往常一样寻找有趣的东西时,发现了一张传单。 “招募勇者!打倒魔王的人将会获得报酬。” 传单上只有这些内容,但这足以让心思单纯的两人兴奋起来。 为了打倒魔王,他们不假思索地直奔地狱。 等待他们的会是什么呢? 本作是以地狱为舞台、神明与恶魔为主角的,类东方纵卷轴弹幕射击游戏。
我的泛灵论~地狱篇~ / おれのアニミズム~地獄篇~

我的泛灵论~天国篇~ / おれのアニミズム~天国篇~

这是一个有着神明与恶魔的不可思议的世界。 某天,大量的纸币和硬币从天而降。 这些钱具有强大的魔力。察觉到事态异常两个神明和两个恶魔,为了解决这场骚动而前往天界。 本作是以成为亿万富翁为目的、用无与伦比的财力席卷一切的,类东方经济向纵卷轴弹幕射击游戏。
我的泛灵论~天国篇~ / おれのアニミズム~天国篇~

我的泛灵论~黄泉返篇~ 烈火行军 / おれのアニミズム~黄泉還り篇~ The Marching On Fire

这是一个有着神明与恶魔的不可思议的世界。 用于维持天界气候的秘宝「原初之火」不知被谁盗偷走了!为了拯救在寒冷中颤栗的天界,一直以来的两位神明追赶着犯人,进入了冰封的化外之地「冥界」。 本作是以心之烈火烧灭眼前邪神的,类东方感情向纵卷轴弹幕射击游戏。
我的泛灵论~黄泉返篇~ 烈火行军 / おれのアニミズム~黄泉還り篇~ The Marching On Fire

你想看我的野兽吗?~就用你的双眼好好看着吧!~ / 俺の獣を見てみるか? ~しかとその目に刻むッス!~

快速成长中的社交平台『Online』,主角犬饲春在社交平台上担任管理员。 在三连休假期的前一天,突然收到一个熟悉的ID发来的消息……! 能否「就三天!?」攻略下消息的发送者和虎呢!
你想看我的野兽吗?~就用你的双眼好好看着吧!~ / 俺の獣を見てみるか? ~しかとその目に刻むッス!~





雄兽岛的秘密 / オスケモアイランドの秘密

『オスケモアイランド』――――現代に残された最後の桃源郷ともいわれるここはすべての島民がオスケモであり、またそのすべてとエッチし放題という夢のような楽園なのだ! 期待に胸を膨らませてやってきた島は、いたるところで性を謳歌する奔放な雰囲気に満ちていた。オスケモとバカンスを楽しもうとやってきた主人公は、噂にたがわぬ楽園を前に胸を躍らせる。 だが、彼は知らなかった。 この島にはある秘密があることを。
雄兽岛的秘密 / オスケモアイランドの秘密




Feel like the star of a martial arts film in Overgrowth, as you jump, kick, throw, and slash your way to victory. Free the rabbits from their evil overlords in the main story, then play through the prequel story, and finally, try out nine years of mods developed by the community, or create your own!

月色真美 / Over The Moon

这是一部成人向的视觉小说。 这么久了,他还想见一面,我真的该去吗?不是我不喜欢他,我比他可能知道的更喜欢他,但谁知道他是否改变了? 我先别想了,以后再做决定吧。 这是另一个线性短篇小说,但这次是两个老朋友在月圆之夜久别重逢。它们是否仍然像以前一样具有相同的化学成分,并且可以从中形成其他东西吗? 推特
月色真美 / Over The Moon


This is the PackedRat "hub" as it were. Each update will still have their own post. Otherwise, this game's stable branch updates nearly monthly. The nightly branch updates nearly every few days to a week or so. Both update with an image uploaded announcing it. The nightly is the most up to date with mostly small incremental changes; New rooms, enemy changes, and bug fixes. However features are experimental and may not even work properly or look right. Bug reports are welcome....


You are Dave, a hyena who just finished his final year of schooling along with a few of his friends. What better way to end the school year than to spend it at an all expenses paid stay at a luxury mansion for a whole month? After all, after this month, everyone's going to be moving away to focus on their chosen paths in life, so this is the last time that everyone's going to be together for a long way.



爪印 / Paws

在《Paws》里你将扮演一只走失的小山猫,穿越广阔而险峻的地形,抵御沿途而来的捕食者的威胁,寻找回家之路。在《Shelter 2》的扩展世界里开始一段独立冒险之旅吧!
爪印 / Paws

Paws & Steel

You wake up one day to find yourself in an unknown world, surrounded by strange creatures known as "Beastmens." Haunted by your past, you try to live life as best you can in the new world but trouble seems to follow you wherever you go. As the player, you will guide the protagonist through a series of events. Will you be able to find your way home again?
Paws & Steel

完美触摸 / Perfect Touch

完美触摸 / Perfect Touch

渗透者 / Pervader

渗透者 是一部情节沉重的线性视觉小说,背景设定在一个拥有自己的历史、神话和秘密的岛屿大陆上。您扮演 “雷莫斯” 的角色,一个年轻的美洲狮,被推入一个充满魔法、政治和险恶阴谋的世界。主角与两位同伴一起环游世界以寻找能够治愈身上奇怪魔法的方法,您可以(非常)亲密地了解他们。
渗透者 / Pervader

Pocket Rain Files

Pocket Rain Files is a furry visual novel, gay NSFW, that is focused on the personal relationships between the characters, with a much larger background plot that will be discovered as the story progresses. Decisions will be key in determining who and how you will end the story.
Pocket Rain Files

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

A Pokémon dungeon crawler/roguelike spinoff in which the player wakes up as Pokémon with amnesia. An enhanced version of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorer of Darkness.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

警犬巡逻队 / ポリドッグパトロール

警犬巡逻队 / ポリドッグパトロール

Primal Legends

Primal Legends




剧情向RPG游戏. 寻找星星,希望,以及你。


准备!汪之激斗! 在游戏中,玩家将化身Bullet,一只集可爱和高科技于一身的小柯基,从意图控制宇宙的外星人手中解救它的科学家主人。《闪电柯基》是一款复古像素画风射击游戏,街机感十足!

Psychic Connections

Psychic Connections (PC) is a romance visual novel set in the fictional college town of Elmwood. Upon arrival, you will be inducted into a secret support group for the local psychics in this supernatural slice-of-life.
Psychic Connections

完美末日:一咬定情 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

完美末日:一咬定情 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

完美末日:补丁的地狱 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Infurno

完美末日:补丁的地狱 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Patches' Infurno

完美末日:永恒炼狱 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

完美末日:永恒炼狱 / Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever


Rack is a science-themed bondage game where you can perform sexual tests and experiments using a variety of toys and gadgets. As you play the game, you'll unlock new features, lab settings, and test subjects to play with. The game features a massive variety of test subjects of all genders and species, including human characters. It also supports custom character importing, which means there are lots of user-created characters available.

Rack2: Furry Science

Rack 2 is a bondage-themed adult video game featuring predominately furry / anthropomorphic characters.
You play the role of a scientist at Rack Laboratories, where you conduct sexual experiments for research and profit!
Rack2: Furry Science




【作品概要】 クリック一つの単純操作。指先一つで宙を飛ぶ! アクションゲームが苦手な方でも、プレイを重ねることで様々な性能を強化していくことができます。 【ストーリー】 未知の惑星へと墜落した宇宙探検隊の一行。 彼らは脱出の鍵となる資源を手に入れるため、 天を臨む樹の頂を目指すのだった...... 【おまけ】 おまけ要素として謎解き要素を用意しております。 難易度は高めですが、解けた方にはささやかなお礼をさせていただく予定です。 詳細は作品中のイベントをご覧ください。

Regal Tails

Regal Tails is an epic tale of a mothers conquest to end a war that stole her family from her. Set in a fantasy world of knights and furries, you get to lay the ground works of the tale of Naja; the fierce lioness war chieftain.
Regal Tails

犹记繁花 / Remember the Flowers

在《犹记繁花》,你将跟随一位失去记忆的青年; 浮沉在记忆的远海,游离在陌生的世界; 脚步延伸至未知的土地; 沧海桑田,曾经马龙车水的家乡,而今又在何方? 相见有时,后会无期。 然似曾相识,今形同陌路。 前尘隔海,古屋不再。 或纵别多年,尝坐拥繁华。 藤影斜晖,老钞已旧。 从恬静梦市抽离,却难晓身处何方。 追忆逝水年华,而夕拾朝花。 家的愿望,亦是蓝图微光。 怎寻前路方向?
犹记繁花 / Remember the Flowers


Repeat 是一部非线性爱情视觉小说,故事发生在一座看似普通的城市的一所相当桩长的学校里。然而,超自然的力量和奇异的个体潜伏在每个角落。你能发现他们的秘密吗?或是被不可避免的悲剧所击倒?



Rift Between Worlds

Rift Between Worlds is a NSFW visual novel divided in chapters with protagonists a human, a feline hybrid and a laharoth, a hybrid race of reptilian-mammalian born after the twinning between the reptilian population of Raktar and the mammalian of Taron.
Rift Between Worlds

以太之战 / Rivals of Aether

RIVALS OF AETHER is an indie fighting game where warring civilizations summon the power of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Play with up to four players either locally or online.
以太之战 / Rivals of Aether





Rotten Utopia

This is a part of the world that is undetectable by others. As a child born here, you will need to go past the darkness and terror surrounding to reach the truth.
Rotten Utopia

Run, Kitty!

A cute little romantic story about rescue and love. Once upon a cat named Simon, decided to skip classes to wander. Before he knew it, he got lost in the deep forest – chased by an unknown predator. Will he be able to get out by his own means?
Run, Kitty!

Rusty punk

Embark on a dangerous adventure, overcome all the difficulties of survival in the post-apocalypse world. Create your own unique character and make friends. And try not to die in a world full of danger!
Rusty punk

Salad Fields

A DREAMYQUEER experience. It's an adventure-puzzle game with surreal places and weirdo characters. Meet a gay leather-mouse (faux leather), magical furry boyfriends, a computer who fears Y2K, and more!
Salad Fields

Santa Lucia

In “Santa Lucia”, you take on the role of a young cat named Ben in his first semester at the University of Santa Lucia. As a child, Ben was prone to crippling headaches and blackouts. One night in his first year of high school, these pains culminated in a terrifying nightmare, which marked the beginning of recurring night terrors which have plagued his life ever since then.
Santa Lucia



Sexy Mad Science

Sexy Mad Science is the story of a lowly intern (you), attempting to become a Sexy Mad Scientist. Basically you mess with your new boss' older brother and earn points.
Sexy Mad Science

Shades of Elysium

Shades of Elysium is an Anthro Adult RPG romance game, starting in an alternate modern world where player meets interesting characters with fetishes and backstories we can relate to.
Shades of Elysium


It's a furry visual novel about a bunch of those medieval fantasy dogs and a human who made their home at a mysterious, gigantic metal structure filled with futuristic technology in the middle of fantasy Siberia.

避难所 2

避难所 2

亮晶晶:闪闪王国 / Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

Shiness is an Action-RPG developed by indie development studio Enigami, which will let you travel in a captivating universe doomed to destruction ever since the fragmentation of the planet Mahera...
亮晶晶:闪闪王国 / Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom

Shinobi Spirits S Legend of Heroes

Use your arsenal of ninja skills to defeat your foes. Create combos of attacks, and utilize ninja skills such as Smoke Bomb and Nose Dive! Follow our heroes' captivating story, and clear the missions in each stage. Collect scrolls to aquire new ninja skills!
Shinobi Spirits S Legend of Heroes


穿越被“魔怪”毁灭的王国,运用智慧去击败海潮般的敌人 但普通人真的做得到吗?无人歌颂的冒险真的有意义吗? 无论如何,这场求死之路的寂静冒险已经悄然的开始了…

Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn

Sileo: Tales of a New Dawn


在东京都中野区担任职员的28岁狼兽人敷岛航识,伴随着公司机器人商品的热卖而业绩成长、加班变多,加上母亲的碎念,而积累着压力。 对此,马兽人后辈板仓健斗提议去温泉旅行。 几乎没有旅行经验的敷岛虽然起初不感兴趣,但在板仓的热情怂恿之下,还是决定到他的家乡群马县.草津温泉来个三天两夜的旅行。 第一次的温泉旅行、第一次见到的风景、第一次吃到的料理。 各式各样的体验之后,等着他的是——

Small On Top

"Small on Top" is an erotic RPG with character driven events and narrative. It follows the Adventurer as he explores the world and meets many different characters, some who would love or insist on joining on your journey.
Small On Top

圣诞特辑 / Smoke Room Christmas

这是2021年圣诞节期间,Echo Project团队于Patreon上公开放出的The Smoke Room的现代版本。据编辑George的解释,游戏发生背景为平行宇宙(AU),剧情与原版无关联。
圣诞特辑 / Smoke Room Christmas


這是一款類SCP基金會,有關於收容各種奇妙生物的遊戲,我們扮演主角擔當SNC輔導員,SNC就是超自然生物的縮寫,輔導員則是負責將這些生物處理到,能夠融入人類生活的工作~ 過程中,會跟這些獸人生物生活,聊天,還有出勤國家任務!!~~ 每個選項都會影響好感度,還有劇情的走向. 腦洞大開!幽默風趣,又危險刺激的生活,正等著你一起來展開!!~~

社交尴尬症 / Socially Awkward

《社交尴尬症》是一部成人向半线性Furry系视觉小说。本作以情感为线索,描绘了角色们面对各种话题与反应的故事。 你将扮演Jayce(名字可以替换)。他是一只没有安全感的混血猫,最近刚刚开始了他的大学生活。跟着他一起,在他的日常中探寻角色们的过去,了解他们,认识他周围的世界。
社交尴尬症 / Socially Awkward

天空机器人 飞向CODA~ / 苍空骑士 飞向CODA~ / Solatorobo それからCODAへ

Red Savarin, an eager and ambitious 17 year-old anthropomorphic dog, ventures through the mythical floating islands of the Shepherd Republic where specialized robots are commonplace, living a carefree life traveling with his younger sister, Chocolat, and utilizing his personalized robot, Dahak, to complete various odd jobs for money. While on a routine retrieval mission, they have a chance encounter with a mysterious boy named Elh and find a medallion that inadvertently entan...
天空机器人 飞向CODA~  / 苍空骑士 飞向CODA~ / Solatorobo それからCODAへ

灵魂摆渡人 / Spiritfarer

灵魂摆渡人 / Spiritfarer

北方之灵 / Spirit of the North

《Spirit of the North》以冰岛美不胜收的神秘风景为灵感来源,是一个单人第三人称探险游戏。游戏剧情以北欧民俗传说为蓝本创作。
北方之灵 / Spirit of the North

Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair

Daigo "Damian" Minazuki (水無月 大悟 Minazuki Daigo) is a 23-year-old wolf who is cheerful, optimistic, and simple to the point of being ditzy—this, however, conceals his tragic past. After leaving his hometown, Rougetsu Village, Damian came to Asou City, working as a wage earner in Happy Street Mall. He hopes that he might spend his entire life surrounded by smiles and laughter, but wouldn't care if people didn't miss him if he was gone. However, as rumors start to spread of peop...
Spirit: Summoners of Áine-Chlair

小龙斯派罗:重燃三部曲 / 斯派罗烈焰重燃三合一

小龙斯派罗:重燃三部曲 / 斯派罗烈焰重燃三合一

Starry Chain

Starry Chain is an NSFW, gay furry visual-novel focused on the adventures of the main character Kailan Sabre. Depending on your choices, Kailan might learn something new and/or useful about the world he lives in, increasing or decreasing his relationship with other characters or getting himself in trouble. Every choice has some kind of impact and the narrative and it may change the outcome of the story.
Starry Chain

坚若磐石 / Steadfast

坚若磐石 / Steadfast

热气温泉 / Steamy Hot Springs

热气温泉 / Steamy Hot Springs

Stories From The House of Beef

Julian is living single in the big city. He's been making a living as a novice photographer since the end of his college days, but he's ready for a change. Can he find the change he needs at "The House of Beef"? Take on the role of this shy introvert as his small world begins to unravel with each new day. Can any of the various beefcakes help Julian to come out of his shell, and see the big sexy picture? You are armed with your trusty camera, and there are many experien...
Stories From The House of Beef

传说:命运之路 / Stories: The Path of Destinies

Stories: The Path of Destinies is an Action RPG, an enchanted storybook filled with madcap fantasy tales, each told by a zippy narrator attuned to the player’s choices and actions.
传说:命运之路 / Stories: The Path of Destinies

荒岛余生 / Stranded

这是一个发生在孤岛上的求生故事! 你乘坐飞机外出度假,却遭遇了飞行事故导致飞机坠毁在一个无名岛上。你将扮演故事的主角,与其他的幸存者们一起努力在坠机事故后努力求生。在看似不起眼的小岛上揭开隐藏的秘密,生存、斗争以及新同伴的命运将交织在一起。 《荒岛余生》是一部视觉小说,包含多选项分支,这些选项将决定你自己和其他人的未来。故事的展开完全掌握在玩家手中——你需要在揭开岛上秘密的同时,与其他角色建立良好的关系,才能达成完美的结局。 警告:这个游戏包含血腥、暴力、粗口、对死亡的细节描述、各类心理恐怖,以及成年兽人间的同性恋爱等描写。建议观众谨慎观赏。
荒岛余生 / Stranded


Lost, alone and separated from family, a stray cat must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten cybercity and find their way home.

Summer Paradise

Edric is an average student in college. He has a normal life, but his friend invites him to the pool, and unexpected things happen along the way...
Summer Paradise


在《东墙日落奇谭》之中,你将与主角一同经营一家赛博朋克都市中的委托中介处:“日落密室”。 在这家开设于咖啡店之后的委托中介处里,您需要用前台的咖啡招待客人,获取信息;为烦恼的委托人解析任务、牵线合适的人手,来完成他们的委托,以此经营这家中介处。以此方式,您可以端坐在委托室之中,了解这个城市背后的秘密、在各方势力之间周旋、揭晓城市之中的阴谋——阻止他们,或者成为其中一员。 在那之前,在《试玩章节》中玩家将会与见习佣兵、兼咖啡店员的龙型青年“薛新成”一同,面对一位麻烦的不速之客,完成她的委托,揭晓正章故事中阴谋的前奏。 语言支持:简体中文 薛新成 恩图萨 哈瑞 “蕊德” 关于游戏的后续计划: 在试玩章节之后,我们将全速制作《东墙日落奇谭》的本章内容,并尝试展开众筹以及其他语种的本地化工作。 在正章之中,我们预计将会进一步丰富游玩内容,并添加更多的可玩系统:包括但不限于“佣兵扭蛋”,“情报系统”等等。同时,正章的文本量、登场角色预计将是《试玩章节》数倍,作为一个新人团队,请给予我们一段时间仔细地打磨,为您呈现一款更好的赛博朋克文字冒险游戏。 须知: 本...


免费任玩在线模式:今天就来畅玩超级免费版,并将进度同步至完整版吧!选择你最喜欢的可爱杀手狐狸、熊猫或树懒等动物并跳伞开始这个凶残的 64 人大乱斗,并以上帝视角探索这个充满高火力兵器、巨大仓鼠球,与各种异域风情生态群落的 2D 世界吧!

超新星 / Super-Nova

Super-Nova is a superhero-themed visual novel set in the fictional city of Nova. The story follows Nick, a college junior who unexpectedly finds himself drawn into a world of superpowered heroes and villains. After joining a superhero team, the raccoon will be able to choose a mentor to guide him as they tackle all that Nova City has to offer.
超新星 / Super-Nova

Super omnia

The story tells about a man who found himself on another planet under extraordinary circumstances, the reason for which he will have to solve, while at the same time getting acquainted with a world full of characters.
Super omnia

Super Taco Crew

Super Taco Crew

野兽:洞穴至深处 / Sylving

Sylving 是一部包含浪漫、冒险、戏剧、动作和喜剧要素的 furry 视觉小说。只身前往另一个 furry 遍地的世界。 几个世纪以来,Dyr、Udyr 和 Eldor 种族之间一直存在冲突,但并非无缘无故。你会遇到许多不同的角色逐渐了解世界,但并不是每个人都表里如一。
野兽:洞穴至深处 / Sylving


A mysterious new convention, a mind-breaking pink mist, powerful monsters, and a shadowy organization pulling the strings. Can you uncover the mystery behind it all, and survive the night? Tailbound is a lewd top-down 2D hack n' slash game, that finishes what my last game, Thirstchasm, set out to do. The game features Zelda-like gameplay, but at a far faster pace and with more of a focus on abilities and level hazards. The game has 29 fully-animated Sex Scenes, with the sole ...

Tail Concerto / テイルコンチェルト

Dogs and cats inhabit the world of Prairie. The dogs are the dominant group and have denied the cats representation in the government. The Black Cats is formed to get feline representation by any means necessary. Believing that five crystals scattered in Prairie hold the key to a utopia filled with catnip, the Black Cats go after them. If the crystals are gathered, they will awaken the Iron Giant who will destroy Prairie. You take the role of Waffle, who must stop the Black C...
Tail Concerto / テイルコンチェルト

Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset is a third-person longboarding game where players follow Tanuki. They must master longboard drifting and make their way from mountains ranges, cities and beaches in Sunset Island to have a chance at fulfilling Tanuki's life dream to be featured in FISH Sports Magazine!
Tanuki Sunset

TarouTF 2016 / 太郎君TFゲー2016 (フリー)

2016年に公開した、男の子TFゲーの最終版になります。 RPGツクール製ですが、RPGというよりうろうろ歩いてTFエンディングを探すアドベンチャーになります。 当時公開したものに(強引に)最終エンディングを加えたような形になります。 このゲームは男児が別の生物・無機物に変身(Transformation)する要素を 主題としたゲームです。 成人向けの内容が含まれるため、18歳未満の方はプレイする事が出来ません。 嫌悪感を感じられた方はご遠慮下さい。 また性転換要素もありません。 また、以下の方々にテキストや絵などを提供して頂きました。 ありがとうございました! 梅毒さん くりやまりくさん 猪竹さん
TarouTF 2016 / 太郎君TFゲー2016 (フリー)


你信心满满踏上了成年必经的冒险之旅,离开家乡——失落之矛。 可却鬼使神差闯进了一个开在荒郊野岭的奇怪酒馆。 这片森林浓雾弥漫危机四伏,但只要回到酒馆就有美酒与好友相伴。 贪图享乐不能解决问题,你和一路相识的伙伴们要如何逃脱浓雾魔掌?

Temptation's Ballad

Temptation's Ballad is a fairly linear visual novel in a D&D style medieval fantasy setting. Three idiots from vastly different backgrounds band together in an adventuring party to unravel the magical secrets within the city of Axia. Together, they battle demons, seduce locals, and learn a little about themselves along the way. And probably cause massive property damage.
Temptation's Ballad

Tennis Ace

Tennis Ace is a visual novel following in the more traditional Japanese VN mold, with a lengthier prologue, a higher focus on characterization and anime-esque art.
Tennis Ace

That One Celestial Night

Join and follow the story of Vaniel Ranos as he lives his everyday life in his senior year of high school together with his friends. Have fun and endure hardships with them as you build up the club you joined with them together. Tears might fall, secrets may come out, inner demons might reveal themselves for everything and everyone doesn't seem to be what they actually are.
That One Celestial Night

The Adventures of Kincaid

Kincaid is a lewd platforming adventure with a sci-fi theme. Our protagonist is an adventurer, exploring uncharted planets and their wild life!
The Adventures of Kincaid


THE BEAST is a role-playing action furry visual novel about a world filled by terrifying monsters named "The Corrupted", a demonic species that hungers for human flesh and blood. A company of Alchemia Corp, hired a special team called "BEAST Hunters" to hunt down and eliminate them. It was at this moment, Eric, a teenage boy who lives a smooth life without going out in a clean house, gradually learned that he is not a human...




《黑之章》故事描述主人公萨摩耶警官安迪在多年前的意外中,获得了得到了能看穿事物运转的流动之魔眼。 由于对自己的新能力的恐惧和与之伴随的悲惨回忆,在这之后他一直封印了自己的能力。之后的数年安迪成为了一名刑警。 在平凡的日子过后,因为职位的调离,他与警校的前辈格雷共同调查一起恶性连续杀人案——剥皮案。 就在生活突然发生巨大改变之时,安迪的魔眼渐渐觉醒。剥皮者,邪教仪式,异形,招魂咒术,接踵而至的怪异事件促使他不得不面对那已然忘却的过往。 ##【关于游戏】 《黑之章》属于典型的文字冒险游戏,玩家只需对特定选项作出选择即可推动剧情发展(即电子小说)。 玩家将以主人公“安迪”的视角进行游戏。 全篇共有三条线,分别对应三个可攻略对象。 预计全6个章节,部分章节为共通线,章节时长在1小时以上。

蓝衣 / The Blue Cloth

《蓝衣》是为 NaNoRenO 游戏果酱制作的一部短篇动态视觉小说。故事发生在航运小镇加莱布拉斯以南的路上的一个幻想场景中。 李维斯是一个来自“圆环”的蓝衣法师,向南旅行到卡利恩镇。他的工作是调查一场袭击该镇的瘟疫。 阿尔弗林是首都的侍卫,与李维斯一起旅行以确保他安全到达。 当他们即将到达旅程的终点时,您将与他们一起向南旅行,穿过奥索瓦南部郁郁葱葱的乡村。 《蓝衣》包含性的视觉描写,不适用于18岁以下的读者(或当地法律规定的任何年龄,等等)
蓝衣 / The Blue Cloth

The Butterfly Dream

The Butterfly Dream is a anthro featuring visual novel which is targeted to gay furries. You accepted a request to change your soul with other beastmen in different dimention. You are having a short trip going to the other world where beastmen live with becoming beastman. You can go through different routes for each beastmen: a total of three of them. The route you play is determined by favorability system, influenced by your choices through the game.
The Butterfly Dream

The Cathouse Tale

Cathouse Tale is an adult game project featuring anthropomorphic characters. We are currently working on expanding our character customizer and adding loads of new animations, as well as getting started on the actual sex scene gameplay. Our long-term goal is to make something that sets a new standard for x-rated fantasy game content.
The Cathouse Tale

The Contract

The Contract is a furry interactive story that has three different endings which depend on the progress and selection which you have made. The stories of the characters are revealed as you continue to collect the required and hidden items. And if you make the "right" choices, you may even reach the "best" and "cutest" ending...
The Contract

绿叶之冠 / The Crown of Leaves

Roui, a resilient city dandy, a half-educated jeweler and the author of scientific magic articles, was met with a colossal failure and must return to his homeland Latori.
绿叶之冠 / The Crown of Leaves

三角学院 / The Delta Academy

嘿! 我是Healer Main,我正在创作一部视觉小说,以一个多年来一直萦绕在我脑海中的神奇概念为主题。在过去的两年里,我被无数的VN所启发,我忍不住想要更多地参与到创建我自己的VN中来。我创作的主要灵感是(没有具体的顺序)Coming Out On Top, Extracurricular Activities, Morenatsu, and House of Beef。 提要 这个故事跟随着你,主角,当你探索一个全新的世界的魔法和各种形状和大小的生物。你突然灵光乍现,在三角男子学院醒来,除了问题什么都没有。当你对魔法有了更多的了解,并开始与你的同学或老师成为朋友(甚至更进一步),你会觉得有必要帮助他们的起义发生了。 然而,事情并不总是像看上去的那样。朋友变成敌人,敌人变成情人,现实本身的结构变得主观。你能利用你的力量保护宇宙吗?爱是拯救每一个人的关键还是成为阻碍? 详情 最终的游戏将有至少六个“可数据”的主要角色,以及一系列与之互动的次要角色。三角洲学院不会有“错误”的答案,但您的选择将根据您的选择打开或关闭路线和场景。 我仍然需要一个背景...
三角学院 / The Delta Academy

The Flower Collectors

Barcelona, 1977. An ex-cop in a wheelchair witnesses a murder, and teams up with a young ambitious journalist to bring the truth to light. With camera, binoculars and transmitter in hand, uncover the town’s secrets from your balcony in this soul-searching detective mystery.
The Flower Collectors

爱爱森林 / The Forest of Love

横看竖看淫兽满目的 furry 冒险游戏来了!漫步广袤林区,拜访动物邻居,揭开叠翠间的未解之谜!左拥邪魅小毛球,右抱热烈大家伙,贴身领会“爱爱森林”之爱!
爱爱森林 / The Forest of Love

The Hayseed Knight

A ragtag band of misfits tell the unlikely tale of a one-eyed farmboy's accidental rise to fame in this fully voice-acted animated visual novel.
The Hayseed Knight

The HeartBeat

《The Heartbeat》是一款融合了节奏、文字取向选择要素的轻量级政治模拟游戏。玩家在游戏中所要做的一切,便是尽可能让自己和这座城市活下去。
The HeartBeat

The Human Heart

You are a human, with a heart longing for a partner. Will you find your love amongst the mammals in this new yet familiar world? There are seven lads to choose from; Cade, Dylan, Rorik, Ace, Tyler, Sidney, and Lars! Which one can help you solve the struggles of your human heart?
The Human Heart

The Lar

The Lar

地球上最长的路 / The Longest Road On Earth

地球上最长的路 / The Longest Road On Earth

Them's Fightin' Herds

Them’s Fightin’ Herds is an indie fighting game featuring a cast of adorable animals designed by acclaimed cartoon producer Lauren Faust. Beneath the cute and cuddly surface, a serious fighter awaits!
Them's Fightin' Herds

蛋糕荟之谜 / The Mystery of Caketropolis

糕饼店的纵火案点燃了城市混乱的导火索。人龙之间的脆弱和平岌岌可危,Rimentus 能否在自己与同类被流放之前,解开蛋糕荟的谜团?
蛋糕荟之谜 / The Mystery of Caketropolis

The Pirate's Fate

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure in The Pirate's Fate, a visual novel experience with a unique twist: the story, the crew, and who you are transform based on your choices. Seek treasure, find love, and choose your fate.
The Pirate's Fate

吸烟室 / The Smoke Room

本作故事发生于一个世纪前的回音镇,游戏视角从一名性工作者 Samuel 的身上展开,他那努力改善生活的愿景,却为自己带来了杀身之祸。
吸烟室 / The Smoke Room

了燃 / The Taste of Fire

Sam 厌倦了一成不变的生活,决心远离家乡探索世界。可偏偏出村没多远就跟土匪碰了个正着,生死之际,好在一条黑龙及时出现救人性命。这么碰巧?原来黑龙也希望摆脱他的旧生活。一人一龙撞进彼此旅程,他们追寻愿望的计划还能照旧进行吗?
了燃 / The Taste of Fire

The Tenth Line

A console-style RPG featuring a colorful cast of characters, unique battle and level-up systems, quick 2D platforming action, and an original, fantastical story about friendship, faith, and finding your place in the world.
The Tenth Line




《命途》是一款2D风格多结局的日式RPG。 ■结局会因你选择的“命途”而改变 游戏中,根据玩家选择的不同,主人公的【执念】乃至性格和想法也会随之发生改变。游戏的结局也会随着你所选择的“命途”而变化。 主人公自己的【生命】是为自己而使用、还是用于帮助他人,都全凭玩家自行决定。最终会根据玩家对于【生命】用法的选择迎来不同的结局,但并不存在传统意义上的【好结局】或是【坏结局】。 ■ 以【静&动】为主题的刺激战斗 本作的战斗玩法,以“回合制战斗的策略性”与“QTE的动作性”相结合为特征。 敌我双方在1回合内会各自进行3次行动,在【如何应对敌人的强力攻击?】、【如何最有效地使用大招?】等等细节上,玩家的行动战略会直接影响战斗胜负。 这次没能战胜的敌人,在多次挑战后逐渐明白攻略方法最终成功打倒。特别是在BOSS战时,克服生死一线的紧张感,本作的目的便是让玩家在打败强力BOSS后能够获得巨大的成就感。 ■独特的事件机制 游戏过程中也加入了很多独特的随机事件,包括像TRPG里那样通过掷骰子来判定结果的事件。 哪怕是同一个事件,根绝玩家做出的决策以及...


Rumor has it that lewd things have been going down in an abandoned testing facility, known as the Chasm. Many thrill seekers and exhibitionists have gone missing though, so it may be dangerous to go alone...

This Halloween? We're Exploring the Haunted Brothel!

Join dominant Tigerman Jasper and his submissive boyfriend Varahn in their Halloween plans to uncover the secrets of the mysterious haunted brothel! What strange fantasies will be uncovered in this kinky cathouse? Whatever comes it's sure to be a spooky, saucy and romantic night~
This Halloween? We're Exploring the Haunted Brothel!


天合会这个故事讲述了一位从摩洛远道而来的平凡的小说作家——泰克斯,为了取材和拓展视野而踏上这片东方大陆——熙国的冒险之旅。 潜藏在他身上那段不为人知的过去和多年以来的谜题,将会将他卷入一片巨大的纷争,在这片东方的大陆上开启新时代的篇章。 而第一天来到熙国所经历的一切却并不如他意,差点被骗,吃饭被坑,丢了钱包,吓得半死,还遭人夜晚袭击,而这一切都在两位贵人的相助下得以解决。 而后为了寻回被贼人偷走的宝贵之物,泰克斯选择了寻求两位贵人——白御和辰虎的帮助,加入了天合会。 故事也从这里开始。



远吠书签!另一个书签 / とおぼえブックマーク!Another Bookmark

远吠书签!另一个书签 / とおぼえブックマーク!Another Bookmark

致最爱的你 / 愛する君へ

“给我最爱的你” 大家好,我是KENN。 我和はち做了一款免费的(R-18)轻小说游戏! 就定在4月1日发布吧!我们原本是这么打算的 拖着拖着不知怎么就到了今天。 这是一款免费游戏,所以请务必试玩看看! 顺带一提,游戏在pixiv上是提前发布的 提前发布状态将在20天后,也就是6月1日左右结束。 之后我们也将在网站上免费发布本作。 期待各位的反馈。
致最爱的你 / 愛する君へ


大军所向披靡,你将率领喷射火焰的野猪,释放芥子毒气的臭鼬,还有呕吐伞兵猫头鹰引领一场变革。来自 Monaco:What's Yours is Mine 开发组的最新力作《尾牙》是一款包含单人模式,在线对战,分屏对战,精彩重放等许许多多内容的创新即时战略游戏。 建设基地,指挥军队,吞噬敌人!



致吾爱 / To Whom I Loved

《致吾爱》是一部 18+ 奇幻毛茸茸的视觉小说,你作为我们的主角(默认名称:Asted)旅行,传递一封神秘的信,却发现自己偶然发现了一系列不可预见的事件。
致吾爱 / To Whom I Loved

Tribal Hunter

An action platformer with size-changing mechanics. Be quick and nimble or large and in-charge!
Tribal Hunter

Triple R: Rehabilitation Rational Ruined

The game is basically a Dark Souls Visual novel, but instead of Dying repeatedly you get FUCKED repeatedly!!! This will will have multiple choices with multiple paths that will have consequences! If you do something in chapter 1, it will influence things up to chapter 10!!! So Buckle up ya naughty pup!!
Triple R: Rehabilitation Rational Ruined


月兔之前很孤独。工作有压力。老板不领情。在嘈杂的城市里过着繁忙、混乱的生活。但是有一天,月兔收到一封普通的信……然后一切都变了。 这封信来自月兔已经去世的爷爷,他在蘑菇村给月兔留下了家族胡萝卜农场。这是开始新生活的绝佳机会。 现在,月兔远离了原先生活中的嘈杂和压力,来到了农村,开始重视简单的事情。 无论是与狐狸尤里一起钓鱼,与长颈鹿琪琪一起读书,还是品尝月兔的好朋友熊猫波波做的一碗最美味的拉面……每个时刻都十分珍贵。 与月兔一同展开惊喜探险,探索乡村生活的所有美好。

Tsuki's Odyssey

Tsuki’s Odyssey is a passive adventure game that immerses you into the world of Tsuki and the oddball characters of Mushroom Village. Decorate your home, make friends, catch all kinds of fish and so much more! It is important to note that Tsuki is not your pet, but a free spirit who will move and interact with the world as they please. But if you check in often, you just might catch something new and exciting happening in the town!
Tsuki's Odyssey


在 TUNIC 中探索一个失落的传说、古老的力量和凶猛的怪物的土地,这是一个关于小狐狸大冒险的无透视三维动作游戏。

Uncommon Breed

Get plopped into the shoes of a developing hero character and bring together a band of outlaws to save your home. Strengthen your personal relationships and find that strength translates into your battles together. Get to know and romance them but be wary of leaving the strength of your other teammates behind!
Uncommon Breed


Undercat is a 2D action platformer where you play as a rebellious dog who is tired of catkind’s tyranny. Catch cats and shake out all their coins and use them to buy items. Throw stuff at your enemies and be shot from a cannon. Solve puzzles and end the cat tyranny once and for all.

传说之下 / Undertale

传说之下 / Undertale

Under the Bridge

Under the Bridge is an dating simulator / visual novel with added minigames and overworld exploration. Players meet male and female romance options in a relatable world.
Under the Bridge





Very Berry Very:别喝那药水

Very Berry Very:别喝那药水是一款视觉小说游戏套装 在一个以动物(毛茸茸)角色为主角的魔法学校世界。 我们的目标是创造任何人都可以享受的新IP内容, 童话般的故事和幽默,不限于特定年龄。 一个关键特点是每个角色都有64~112种不同的脸部表情, 利用动物可能具有的各种性格因素。 我们将于5月10日进行众筹。敬请期待。
Very Berry Very:别喝那药水

汪哒拂麻烦虎 if / わんダフルとらブル if

白岳在居酒屋兼职时意外发现了一只喝的烂醉,昏迷不醒的老虎先生卧在桌底下。然而掀开桌子准备清理时却看到令兽惊讶的一幕…… 犯罪团伙连环作案,无辜的兽陆续惨遭毒手,被下药玩弄。正义的警察能否挽救中招的兽,能否将罪犯捉拿归案呢? 如果…… 本作基本还原了《わんダフルとらブル》同名漫画的第一本剧情,并添加了 3 个漫画剧情以外的分支和 1 个隐藏剧情。 二阶堂在本作分支中作为主角登场,提前一部登场的二阶堂会与一犬一虎擦除怎样的火花呢?
汪哒拂麻烦虎 if / わんダフルとらブル if

When Stars Fall

When Stars Fall is a gay (semi-linear-leaning-toward-non-linear) furry visual novel dating sim set in the fantasy world of Eamia. The main character, Marcus Carver (customizable) wakes up in an empty field with no memories save for his name. On his journey to find answers, he finds himself enrolled in an academy for adventurers and meets a few different persons of interest who may help or hinder his search for his lost memories. In this tale will Marcus find his answers, make new friends or foes, find love or sorrow? The choices are up to you.
When Stars Fall

恶魔藏身之地 / Where The Demon Lurks

恶魔藏身之地 / Where The Demon Lurks

深渊的呼唤 / Labios Salvajes

Labios Salvajes (Wild Lips) 这是一部18+视觉小说,背景是来自 Wattpad 的 Tigre Boxeador 的历史。
深渊的呼唤 / Labios Salvajes

威利熊海滩 / Willy Bear Beach

Willy Bear 居住在理想化的东海岸小镇 Cape Bottom Sail ,那里的每个人都很友好,轻浮和无忧无虑! 作为玩家,您将引导 Willy 进行一整天的日常活动,在那里您会遇到新老朋友,甚至可能将其中一个带回您的家里过夜!
威利熊海滩 / Willy Bear Beach

威利熊海滩2 / Willy Bear Beach 2

In the idyllic town of Cape Bottom Sail, Willy the Bear finds himself with a week off and nothing to do. You'll guide him through his time off by visiting the town's various locations, meeting his friends, finding items, and by simply enjoying the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the cape. And if you're lucky, you might just get some action while you're at it.
威利熊海滩2 / Willy Bear Beach 2

Winds of Change

Lead The Rebellion, build your army, and shape the world with your choices. A story-heavy adventure game with multiple endings, romance options, and non-linear storytelling. A vast fantasy world waiting to be explored. Inspired by Dragon Age, and Mass Effect. Fully voice acted by a stellar cast!
Winds of Change

Witanlore: Dreamtime

Guided by your spirit totem animal, assume the role of a young ursine brave whose fate has not yet been determined and embark on an astral journey into the dream world where the shadows of an ancient conflict are on the rise and destiny awaits.
Witanlore: Dreamtime



Wolfstar Sins and Paradise

Lost to a mysterious city of sin, this visual novel will explore and focus primarily on the choices our hero Wolfstar makes in his new afterlife.
Wolfstar Sins and Paradise




《不可思议乐队(Wonder Parade)》是一款由Studio Quare制作,心动网络发行的音乐节奏游戏。 游戏围绕着一群生活在不可思议星球上的小动物们展开,玩家将扮演它们的伙伴,通过演奏音乐,探索更多的未知。

世界弹射物语 / World Flipper

《世界弹射物语》(World Flipper)是一款由Cygames和其子公司Citail共同开发的动作手游新作,在本作中,玩家将通过瞄准目标,弹射角色来打败敌人。游戏中有着多种多样的角色,巧妙地利用不同角色的技能和特性,使出精彩的组合技,来华丽的打败敌人吧。同时,玩家还可以通过多人合作的方式,与伙伴一同挑战强大的领主,赢取更加丰盛的奖励!
世界弹射物语 / World Flipper



瑜伽熊 / YogaBear

瑜伽熊 / YogaBear





Yu Crossing Animals

Yu's got a new job - working as a mayor's assistant in a small town.
Yu Crossing Animals


大きなゾウさんの経営する小さな引越屋さんで一夏のバイト体験をしよう! 心も体もでっかくて、料理の得意なゾウ獣人、重田社長 仕事の先輩の(いつも汗臭い)アライグマ獣人の御手洗さん バイトの同僚で、まだ精液の香りもしないシロクマ獣人の持丸くん 選択肢を選んでいくことで3人の登場キャラと むふふなイベントが起きたりしますw ニオイフェチの主人公が体験する数日間を ほのぼのエッチなノベルゲームでお楽しみください!