Bitter, Sticky, Cold and Poison / 《苦》《黏》《寒》《毒》四部曲

Qixiang is a dog furry working as a detective, one day on his way home from work was robbed by a lion furry Lingzi. After subduing Lingzi, Qixiang did not arrest him, but wanted to help him get on the right track ......
Jiaoyu is an furry who is involved in drug trafficking. He once happened to pass by a hotel and became interested in the owner, Niannian, a fox furry ......
The story goes back to the time when Qixiang was in the police academy and his class teacher was Jiaoyu ......
The fourth installment in the series, which picks up where the previous three installments all left off.
- This game may contain sensitive content or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.
- This game may not contain English language localizations
- Release page
- Weibo (KCN杏仁)
- Weibo (Zoharwolf)
- Weibo (森石灰水饺)
- Weibo (毛绒虎爪)
KCN杏仁Producer Screenwriter Programmer Artist
Zoharwolf Producer Screenwriter Programmer Artist -
薄荷Producer Screenwriter Programmer Artist
水饺猫Producer Screenwriter Programmer Artist
毛绒虎爪Producer Screenwriter Programmer Artist

- Escape
- Kemono Branch
- Kemono Code
- Kemono Roster - Minos
- 履云录 (AVD 版)
- The Twin
More games from Zoharwolf:

- This game may contain sensitive content or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.
- This game may not contain English language localizations
- Release page
- Weibo (KCN杏仁)
- Weibo (Zoharwolf)
- Weibo (森石灰水饺)
- Weibo (毛绒虎爪)
- Escape
- Kemono Branch
- Kemono Code
- Kemono Roster - Minos
- 履云录 (AVD 版)
- The Twin
More games from Zoharwolf: