超新星 / Super-Nova

Super-Nova is a superhero-themed visual novel set in the fictional city of Nova. The story follows Nick, a college junior who unexpectedly finds himself drawn into a world of superpowered heroes and villains. After joining a superhero team, the raccoon will be able to choose a mentor to guide him as they tackle all that Nova City has to offer.
The visual novel will branch into three routes based on the choice of mentor: the friendly yet mysterious fox Mnesis; the cheerful, enthusiastic tiger Superfang; and the prickly, brash Baron-in-Black. Each route will explore a different facet of the story and world as you forge a stronger bond with your chosen superhero and uncover more of what lies beneath their masks.
As such, apart from all the juicy superhero action, the visual novel will also feature elements of romance.
- 這個遊戲包含敏感內容,或者不適合在工作時訪問。
- 中文語言本地化是由非官方提供的
- 該遊戲仍在開發過程中
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- 非官方中文版本
Rotshild劇本 程式
Swaggy Tamago藝術家

- 了燃 / The Taste of Fire
來自 Rotshild 的更多遊戲:

- 這個遊戲包含敏感內容,或者不適合在工作時訪問。
- 中文語言本地化是由非官方提供的
- 該遊戲仍在開發過程中
- 在 itch.io 上獲取
- 官方 Twitter
- 官方 Discord
- Patreon
- 非官方中文版本
- 了燃 / The Taste of Fire
來自 Rotshild 的更多遊戲: