
Will romance flourish in the time spent isolated in a mansion, living the high life? Or is this all an elaborate ploy by someone pulling the strings at the mansion itself that just sees the group as a bunch of playthings for something much more sinister? Expect a story full of questions and mysteries as the friends suffer through tragedy, death, and a looming threat that grows ever closer all while trying to remember the nicer times in their lives before everything may come to an abrupt end.
Characters will die, decisions must be made, and shying away from the consequences of such will only make the journey forward harder. Can you change their fate by using the mysterious vault that seemingly wants a password to open? Is this your one salvation to save everyone?
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- 這個遊戲包含敏感內容,或者不適合在工作時訪問。
- 中文語言本地化是由非官方提供的
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