Four-Letter Word

What's the hardest thing to say to someone you really care about when you're not sure how they feel about you? Four-Letter Word is a gay, furry visual novel about love and some of the many different paths through life it can take you. Play as one of two roommates with a shared history who are on their own journeys to figure out who they are and what they want, and help them find the answers they seek.
The visual novel serves as a continuation of the comic of the same name (which you can read here.) Although it's not necessary to read it, as the game works as a standalone piece of interactive fiction, it can provide some background information and additional context to the events in the visual novel.
- 這個遊戲包含敏感內容,或者不適合在工作時訪問。
- 該遊戲可能不包含中文語言的本地化
- 該遊戲仍在開發過程中
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