Flexible Survival

Flexible Survival, or FS for short, is a text-based RPG written in Inform 7. It is the largest project ever made in Inform, featuring hundreds of extensions, unique art, and a team of over 20 writers and coders.
FS is an adult text RPG that focuses on themes of transformation and related topics. You can find just about any kind of fetish or kink in FS, featuring content like your standard furry creatures, to more intriguing and exotic transformations like foxes made of latex, or girls made entirely of goo! There are over 250 unique forms in Flexible Survival, and over 100 NPCs to interact with.
All the while, FS still manages to be a cohesive survival experience. You have to make sure you are fed and hydrated, while simultaneously making sure you stay sane in this strange, nanite-fueled apocalypse.
- 該遊戲可能不包含中文語言的本地化
- 這個遊戲並非是僅圍繞 Furry 話題的遊戲。這意味著你可能不會喜歡這個遊戲。
- 官方網站
- Patreon
- 官方 Discord